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GAFCON Chairman’s March Letter

To the Faithful of the Gafcon movement and friends from Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria and Chairman, the Gafcon Primates Council. ‘For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you

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G19 Conference Statement

Streams in the Desert: A Letter from Churches in Restricted Situations G19 Conference Statement Dubai: 25th February – 1st March 2019 Preamble  We gathered together as the people of God, under the Word of God and aware of His

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It’s lent: A time of spiritual transformation

Introduction  Today is known as Quinquagesima Sunday, reminding us that it is now fifty days before Easter Day. This means that Lent will begin on Wednesday this week, which is called Ash Wednesday. Lent, known as Quadragesima (Fortieth), is the

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Warning from the GAFCON Chairman

To the Faithful of the Gafcon movement and friends from Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria and Chairman, the Gafcon Primates Council.  ‘We endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel

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Podcast Series for the week