Vision Statement
The vision of the Church of Nigeria Missions is to plant Churches in places where Christ is not known all over the world beginning from Nigeria and to transform all our parishes across the country into missionary sending churches to indigenous, local and foreign missions as mandates by our Lord Jesus Christ. (Luke 4:18,19 and Mathew 28:19,20)

Mission Statement
Making the Church of Nigeria, the source of Bible based, strategic mission agency, strategically equipped and mobilized to evangelize and disciple peoples and nations for Christ.

Missionaries to be engaged shall be those who have left everything and are responding to the call of God to reach the nations. Their status will be defined and be called CNMS Missionaries with a recognized status in the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion).
Their renumerations will be set and scaled according to an approved structure to be determined by the CoN Missions Board and they will be a part of the structure of the Communion.
All CNMS Missionaries must go through sets of continuous training in Missions to meet the ever-changing environments, need and demands.
Parishes can adopt Missionaries for support
Missionaries will be recruited from the Anglican communion (local churches) without boundaries.
Responsibilities of Missionaries:
The missionary responsibilities will include
- Evangelism
- Discipleship
- Church planting
- Social work, using various skills to improve the communities under them.
- Diaspora Missions
Shall be designed to teach missionary candidates on cross-cultural ministry. All CNMS missionaries shall go through the mission training of CNMS.
The Training Coordinator shall be in charge of the schools and any other specialized or ad-hoc training both within a formal and informal setting to meet desired needs.
Each field shall be headed by a Field Leader.
A mission field shall consist of both an unreached ethnolinguistic group or any identified and specialized group which needs are clearly identified and assessed. These fields would include areas even in Urban and Semi-Urban communities like; Almajiri in the South, Brothels, Addicts and the Media mission fields and any other identified areas, will be handled by experts in the designated fields.
The main task of the missionaries within each field shall be to evangelize and disciple and set up possible fellowship groups in such fields.
CNMS Management Committee shall effectively plan, set goals and time frame for every new field as they emerge.
To perform its task properly, each field shall maintain its autonomy, but be responsible, through its field leader to the Management Committee.
CNMS Missions cells shall be created in all parishes. The cells do not replace individual Church mission committees. They will collaborate and synchronize their activities to reach the various mission fields in their regions.
Create prayer cells and sureties in all dioceses for adoption of the missionary areas as may be created. (Matt.18:19; Acts12:15-17;1 Thess. 5:25; 2 Thess. 3:1)
A Cell is defined, as a group of Christians in a parish or a locality who identify with CNMS vision and are committed to supporting the vision. Such support shall not be limited to materials but also prayers and care for missionaries.
– All Support shall be channeled through the management Committee
– While the initiative to start a chapter may come from a group of well-intentioned parishioners in a location, this should be done in consultation with the field officers and the Management Committee.
Activities shall include Prayers for the fields.
Survey, identify and determine the state of prayer programs of all Dioceses particularly in providing support for missionary activities of the Dioceses. (Numbers 13:17-25)
Mobilize all the church leadership and membership to strengthen what is on ground and create the relevant awareness of the need to engage in strategic intercessions for missionary works.
Plan strategic residential and mobile training programs for all categories of membership of the Church for implementation of prayers support for missions.
In collaboration with the Church of Nigeria Missionary Society, conduct spiritual mapping of the missionary areas of all Dioceses and nations for the purpose of prayer response and support to unreached areas, unengaged places, areas with weak congregations, restricted or difficult communities and nations, among other needs.
All serving ministers (Bishops and Priests) will go through some refresher discussions in their retreat and workshops to achieve the goals for this Decade of God’s Reign vision.
Prospective missionaries shall be well equipped in the knowledge and practice of prayer, spiritual warfare and missionary calling for effective ministry in all their locations of missions. (Acts 16:16-18)
Strengthen the existing National Prayer gatherings and trainings to include Mission Awareness presentations in all meetings to assist in motivating and mobilizing prayers for mission areas as well as to strengthen the prayer sureties that are already in place among them.
Develop strategic prayer actions and share with the church leadership and Intercessors, such as prayer watches, prayer chains, prophetic patrols and prayer walks in all cities, communities and unreached and unengaged areas.
Regular collaboration between the Missionary and Prayer Arms at National and Diocesan levels, sharing information for increased motivation and actions in prayer support for all our missionary works.
Train and raise teams of missionary intercessors at the diocesan and national levels who can be mobilized easily for assignment of providing prayer support in difficult terrains across communities and nations.
Recruit and engage the services of a tested Priest in the ministry of prayers, intercession and spiritual warfare as a Desk Officer in the Primate’s Office to assist the Prayer Ministry leadership and help liaise or interface with Prayer and Mission teams of all National Arms, Dioceses, coordinate the entire strategy, collate prayer reports and run requests hotlines.
The Church of Nigeria Communications Department will plan, design and produce evangelism and Missions materials and effectively engage all media platforms as well as formulate any other innovative means to disseminate information and evangelism materials, especially in regions under persecution, using the current mechanisms in electronic and print media. This is highly needed in contemporary times to increase the momentum of information for prayers and evangelization particularly in these last days.
Advocacy: The media to be the voice of the persecuted church because the church does not have voice in the public space to tell its own story. Our media to be the voice of the church to give additional credibility to our mission enterprise and mobilize people, churches and communities for prayers.
Documentation: There shall be video and audio productions of the history and development of the Churches missionary activities, testimonies and challenges from inception to date. It is critical to archive our projects in print and electronic formats especially our current drive in Mission and Evangelism particularly looking at the CoN Decade of the Reign of God.
The Church pf Nigeria Communications Department will work with the prayer team to;
- Track our Mission Enterprise in Church of Nigeria.
- Engage our Print and Electronic Media to Track our Mission.
- Develop a Mission Program with Communications Department; History and Mission Research Document historical site where mission work was done in the Past.
- Track and keep the records of the decade of Evangelism.
- See to the production of Prayer Bulletin.
- ACNN can host Missions mobilization programs to promote mission’s awareness and prayers. e.g. Light to the Nations.
- Produce the stories of our Heroes and Christian faith advancement stories as children cartoon. For example, like the Christian History Institute has done with Hudson Taylor, William Carey etc. Include mission’s prayer alert on CoN planned data management Applications.
- CoN Mission Office/Director of Missions activities to be captured in the ACNN missions’ program. Create Missionary Library, electronic and hard copies of our missionary enterprises at the National Headquarters, Abuja for reference and research.
In order to continuously mobilize, inculcate and sustain Missions as a part of our youths’ lifestyle and in all areas of their development, a National Youths Conference shall be organized annually. This will bring together youths across the entire communion to deliberate and discuss on issues concerning their wholistic developments. The Directorate of Missions, working with an organizing committee/team, in consultation with the Primate, shall set dates, venues and agenda for each annual convention.
The Prayer Department of Church of Nigeria shall organize and coordinate an effective Youths prayer support programmes for continuous prayers and intercessions across all Dioceses, Parishes and youths’ groups in the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion.
Action Plan for Church of Nigeria Missionary Society
The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion’s intrinsic ministry is spreading the Gospel according to the charge of our Lord Jesus Christ, exemplified by His ministry on earth which has been passed down to us through the generations.
The declaration of the ‘Decade of the Reign of God’ has called for the reassessment and stock taking in order to improve on what has been done, engage new areas and fields, upgrade the strategies and innovate our approach considering the constantly changing missionary fields and regions.
With this in mind this group is making the following submissions.
- Engage new mission areas and fields both within and outside Nigeria.
- Be effective and efficient frontline mobilizer and drivers of missions in Church of Nigeria.
- Engage all the Spheres of influence to do missions.
That the Church of Nigeria Anglican communion has missions in its DNA is not in doubt. What has been in doubt however has been its sense of being obligated, wholehearted willingness and total dedication to multiplying and replicating itself in the contexts it.
Since the creation and inauguration CNMS on the 15th September 1996 by CoN much had been done but also much is left to be desired.
Notwithstanding, we trust God that in this decade of the reign of God, there will be reformations that will reposition her for greater effectiveness.
- To collaborate and engage other mission agencies and groups to fully take the nations for Christ.
- To carry out research and identify unreached and unengaged peoples’ groups in collaboration with Dioceses, mission agencies and arms.
- To engage the leadership of the Church down the grassroot to enable full compliance and full engagement of the workforce for full implementation of the vision of the Decade of the reign of God and have a ready harvest for the Lord and rapture.
- Evaluate CoN current mission in West Africa and propose a strategy for the way forward
- Evaluate CoN current mission in North America, UK, Europe, Asia and Middle East and propose a strategy for the way forward.
Mobilizing and Generating Fund and Other Resources for Missions
Massive mobilization and fund raising for Church of Nigeria Missions has become a great necessity considering the expanding demands of missions. This group worked on possible ways of addressing this great for the advancement of missions in Church of Nigeria.
- To have a committee with the sole responsibility mobilizing and generating funds for mission purposes.
- To have an established operations and strategy to generate funds for missions.
Prayer is the core business of every believer in Jesus Christ. It is also what lays the foundation as well as drives every vision and purpose of God on the earth and in every generation. It is the core necessity in all aspects of human existence at personal and corporate levels and both in church and other social spheres. Prayer should be in the front burner of all missionary works.
To this end it is very important that as our Primate is envisioning the Church of Nigeria missionary enterprise as the core component of Vision 2030 Implementation strategy that the prayer program be put in place to assist in driving the process of evangelizing the nations.
The foundation of this is well established in the Bible as found in some of these verses of the Scriptures. (Psalm 2:8; Psalm 22:27; Matt. 9:37-38)
- In this decade of the reign of God, the prayer department would want to be more effective and efficient in providing the needed prayer support for all activities, programmes and projects at various levels of operations in the Church.
- This department hopes to be more specific in providing the essential prayer support that would drive the strategic missions and evangelism the Church is embarking on in this decade.
- We look forward to better harmonization and compliance to prayer activities at various levels of our church leadership.
We therefore recommend the following Prayer Implementation Plans and Modalities to enhance the missionary work of the Church.
The Media helps to disseminate information quick, and with the current development in electronic and print media, it is highly needed in contemporary times to increase the momentum of information for prayers and evangelization particularly in these last days.
- Engage all social media platforms to enhance information dissemination of all our missionary enterprises.
- The communications department to work with the Director of Mission to organize and execute all needed media engagement across all media platforms for all missions programmes and projects.
- Maintain continuous media engagements especially for persecuted regions and during disease pandemic or social restrictions.
The huge membership of CoN is not deployable as an effective harvest force to the harvest fields of our Nation and the World. However, correct discipleship is the key to addressing that deficit in that it engenders brokenness, enables us to recover an intense love for Jesus, dethrones self from the center of a believer’s life and makes Jesus the center. (Gal 2:20 & 11Cor 5:14-15). Consequently, we see intentional wholistic discipleship as the key to addressing these gaps in our calling so that we can be the Missional Church that truly reflect what the body of Christ should be in character, word and deed which is in tandem with the passion of our Primate, His Grace, Most Rev’d Henry C. Ndukuba and in line with our decade of God’s Reign.
- CoN membership becomes effective missional thrust.
- Raise obedient disciples that will continue to define the quality of our response in World Evangelization.
- We propose a Jesus Model Intentional wholistic discipleship strategy that is obedience based, relational, transformational, and Multiplicative which will help the Church of Nigeria reach its full potential as a dynamic force in World Evangelization and Societal Transformation.
- We need to emphasize in our discipleship process the prominent place of the power and operation of the Holy Spirit in missions and Discipleship.
The youths are a major tool in the mission of the church of Nigeria, if properly harnessed, equipped and trained. Because of their strength and adventurous nature and disposition, young people will continue to remain veritable instruments for propagation of the gospel of Christ and in sustaining and entrenching the Anglican heritage, culture and influence.
- The young people to be actively involved in missions and the church life
- The CoN becoming the hope for the indigent talented young people
The Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) scenario has come to characterize our way of live and created the opportunity for the Church to demonstrate the love of God.
- Established a sustainable CoN Christian response
- To create living/temporary accommodation facilities for displaced Christian communities
- To network with other similar bodies and Donor organizations.
(Even-sung, Midweek Services & Bible Study)
It has been generally observed that some of our worship time that is historically strategic has been eroded. Therefore, there is need to revive and reemphasize their importance; for example, the Even sung is a form that can be used in community and family worship.
- Having formidable midweek services with rich spiritual impact in our in communion
- Reviving the Even Sung and making it more fashionable and enriching
- Making every Anglican evangelical in words and deed.