- Korede Akintunde
- January 10, 2024

The bible study session of day three on the topic ‘Family Discipleship in Christian Marriage’ conducted by The Rt. Rev. Steven Akobe of Kabba Diocese, will best be described as an eye-opener. Based on the topic and outline for the study, deliberations were made, as well as ideas to answer the “WHYs and HOWs” in many marriages today.
Points like family background, World view, cultural background, examples set by the older generation, social media, movies, church parent models, etc were all sited as possible influences to what this generation understand marriage to be.
According to Peter, here are a few instructions to husbands and wives:
- Wives to be subjects to their husbands (A woman with Power but brought under the obedience of your husband)
- A wife should reverence her husband in a loving way (respect him, give him confidence)
- Submit totally to him
- Be good to your husband and help them get better
- Husbands should love their wives, encourage them and enjoy them as blessings from God
- Consider your wives in all your actions, ensure you relate with them in the understanding that God brought you together
- Study and tolerate the excesses of your wife
- Be aware of her needs, weaknesses, strengths and desires.
Some cultural factors were also noted as reasons for how men and women behave in their marriages. For instance, most cultures train boys (men) not to have any association with domestic duties.
This study served as a reminder that God does not see the woman lower or inferior to a man. He sees us all as joint heirs. It is also advised that all should know their partners (husband or wife) as they are different from all others. Appreciate them and the value they brings all the time. In all, pray with your partner.