- Korede Akintunde
- November 24, 2023

The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), has again called the Church of England’s recent approval of prayers for same-sex couples as a fundamental error to the Scripture. It profoundly expressed concerns, adjudging the decision as a withdrawal from Scriptural teachings that define marriage which is solely between a man and a woman.
This was contained in a press release personally signed by the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, The Most Rev’d Dr. Henry C. Ndukuba on the 21st of November 2023.
He emphasized on the historical tenets of Anglicanism, also stated that the duty of Bishops is to defend the Church against error. He lamented on the decision of the Church of England, asserting that it silenced voices committed to the traditional understanding of marriage.
The Church of Nigeria expressed solidarity with those opposing the change in the Church of England’s stance. The statement criticized the perceived inconsistency of endorsing same-sex blessings while claiming that there is no change in doctrine.
Read Full Statement Below 👇🏻
The decision of the General Synod of the Church of England through its vote on Wednesday, 15th November 2023, approving prayers of blessing for same-sex couples, once again reinforces the fundamental error of the Church of England in endorsing principles that run contrary to the fundamental truth of the Scripture which affirms marriage as only between man and woman; male and female (Genesis 2:18-24 cf. Matthew 19:5).
From the historic formularies of Anglicanism, Bishops are called to defend the Church against error; Sadly here a thin majority successfully drowned out the voices of those who remain faithful to our primary calling as Bishops, to embrace grievous error and sin.
Surely the passion with which these Bishops of the Church of England pursued this vote, could have been better directed at re-evangelising the country and the world at large in fulfillment of the mandate of mission in the 21st century.
It is incongruous and palpably disingenuous for Bishops to claim that they are not changing the doctrine of the church on marriage, while simultaneously commissioning prayers and blessing for gay couples in the Church.

The artifice inherent in this posture not only compromises long-established doctrine, but also undermines the integrity of our calling as Bishops to call sinners to repentance and holiness of life.
The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) salutes the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity who stood firmly on Scripture as the authority for the Church in theology and worship and offer our fellowship in seeking to glorify God in the assurance that truth will ultimately prevail over falsehood, just as Light is destined to always overcome darkness (John 1:5).
We appear to be in the end time when many in the Church are opposed to “…the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), and when many who claim to be members of the body of Christ “will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).
Again, we reaffirm our solidarity with those courageous Bishops, Clergymen, and lay members who have chosen to walk the narrow path of obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, praying that, the Sun of righteousness shall arise “with healing in His wings” (Malachi 4:2).
The LORD be with you. The Most Rev’d Henry C. Ndukuba, MA, BD, MA (Ed.), DD