
Opposing the Obvious

Khataza Gondwe Holy Week, and an earlier post and several events have got me thinking of the characters that appear at vital junctures in every movement for change. There are those who, at some level, have been co-opted into

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Primate Ndukuba: What a year!

Primate Henry Ndukuba celebrates one year in office 25th March 2021 and what a year that had been for the Primate of All Nigeria and Bishop Metropolitan. To start with, the Primate was enthroned in the midst of the

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Mothers’ Union’s Success in Uganda

The 5 objectives of mothers’ union are: 1.    Uphold Christ’s teaching on the nature and sanctity of marriage and to promote its wide understanding; (Mark 10:5-9; Titus 2:3 – 5).2.    To encourage parents to bring up their children in

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GAFCON launched in Isle of Wight

This week Gafcon IOW (Isle of Wight, UK) was launched. This is a local expression of a global movement, and the Steering Committee are thrilled to be under the umbrella of the largest anglican movement in the world. The Gafcon movement

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Kidnapping, how lucrative…?

From pure water to bead making, cybercafés to POS cash points and even MMM, we have over the years developed a ‘lemming’ mentality as a people in Nigeria. Whatever makes the quickest money fastest with the least amount of

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Understanding Islam from a Christian Perspective

 Christians who engage in dialogue with Muslims sometimes argue that the Isa found in the Quran is essentially the same as the Jesus of the New Testament. However, all the evidence from the Quran, the hadith and the New Testament leads

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The Church of Nigeria “therefore call upon the Archbishop and the College of Bishops of ACNA to make definite, unambiguous statement condemning the actions taken by the Gay activists in their midst, denounce their action, dissociate ACNA from the

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Suffering. For Me, It’s Personal

Amy Orr-Ewing A few days ago, I walked behind a casket into a funeral service, carrying a five-month-old baby girl in my arms. Her mother was in the casket. My dear friend Brenda has just died. She was 36

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AshAsh and dustAsh and dust and broken trustPuffs of Grey eddieswith embers spent Grab, burnWhat will you burn downSomehow to rage roundExpunge by flameagain and again Lament is deaths breath in my lungsGrief stretched spannedBridge from life to nothingnessYesterday’s

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Podcast Series for the week