- Ngozi Maduoma
- July 15, 2016

The Diocesan Bishop of Egba Anglican Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Adekunle has lauded the efforts and long strides of the Ogun State governments these past 40 years, culminating in its 40th anniversary of its creation and commissioning of 40 different projects marking the unique occasion.
Bishop Adekunle made this commendation at the presentation of his charge to the nation on the occasion of the first session of the 14th Synod of the Diocese of Egba. The Cleric seized the opportunity of the occasion to remind the Ogun State governor Senator Ibikunle Amosun not to take the people of the state for granted by not providing the much needed human oriented programmes and infrastructures.
He made a frantic appeal to the governor to give priority to the payment of gratuity to all retired civil servants in the state and lamented that many of them have died without the opportunity of collecting what they labored for. He called the attention of the governor to what he called a looming problem that may lead to mayhem, the incessant burning of farm crops by Fulani herdsmen in an attempt to raise fresh grass to feed their animals. He said the problem should be nipped in the bud, because according to him, what happened in Benue State between the Fulani, the Agatus and other tribes will be child’s play if allowed to degenerate. He also called on the Federal government to make conscious efforts in all the places where the Fulanis are becoming threats, to checkmate and curb this social menace.
Bishop Adekunle prayed to God that the Nigerian government will bring to the doorsteps of the masses the desired peace and prosperity, with attending security, employment, viable economy, qualitative education, constant power, mass transit means of transportation, agriculture, industrialization and social discipline.
While speaking on the theme chosen for the first session of the 14th Synod, “The Beatitudes,” Bishop Adekunle said each beatitude contains a statement of blessedness, in terms of the action of God. He said Christians are expected to experience joy and self fulfilment as they contemplate what God is now doing and what He will do when he fully establishes His kingdom at the second coming of Jesus Christ. He extensively analyzed all the eight points of the Beatitudes and said that the Sermon on the Mount is a teaching that bears great impact on the genuine growth in the life of a Christian and it needs to be given prominence in the doctrine of the Church.
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