- May 14, 2020

The Rt. Rev’d Stephen A. Oni PhD, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Ondo has remarked that iniquity can be observed all over the world, even in the Church; but that God is looking for those who would stand for the gospel and boldly declare that they are what they are by the grace of God.
The Bishop, who preached on the topic, “The workings of Grace” at a Sunday service at the Cathedral Church of St. Stephen Oke-Aluko, Ondo state stressed that even though God’s grace is sufficient for all, Christians must deny ungodliness, worldly lust and live soberly and holy, so as not to take that grace for granted.
He reiterated that when the grace of God locates a man, his story changes. According to him, the workings of grace can give one a new beginning and make one a peculiar person. He however added that one is not saved to be a bench warmer in the Church, but to make a difference in the world, so that the grace of God would not be in vain.
Bishop Oni quoted profusely from the scriptures, citing Biblical examples of men and women who experienced the mercy and favour of God – the workings of grace in their lives, to buttress his point that God’s grace can transform the life of any individual. He described the grace of God as an unmerited favour, mercy from God that brings about restoration; explaining that believers have been saved through grace, and not their works.
The Rt. Rev’d Stephen Oni pointed out that a person couldn’t access the grace of God except through Jesus Christ. He therefore urged all to accept Jesus Christ as Lord, in order to access this grace and receive a fresh start. He observed that the situation of the coronavirus pandemic has turned the lives of many upside down, but he declared that God’s grace would locate them and propel them to where He wants them to be.