- Ngozi Maduoma
- April 14, 2016

The ebullient preacher, the Rt. Rev. Ephraim Ikeakor was down to earth when he described this generation as a dangerous one that preaches the gospel without its cross. According to him, this is the era of frivolities, wherein people major in the minor relegating the major to the background. He made these scathing remarks in his sermon at the April edition of the monthly power night programme organized by the Diocese of Abuja at the All Saints Church, Wuse Zone 5, Abuja.
Speaking on the topic for the vigil, “The wide and narrow way,” the Rt. Rev. Ikeakor said the narrow way is the difficult way, and the totality of the Christian race. According to the Bishop of Amichi diocese, the larger society is incredibly rotten where people now order God around, take noise for unction and born again is becoming fashionable with many categories. The guest preacher said time is running out, hence people should be disciplined and struggle to enter through the narrow gate. He added that the greatest and worst disaster that can happen to any man is not to enter the kingdom of God. He reiterated that the wide way attracts the commendation of the rotten world where things are done the unacceptable way, whereas those who follow the narrow way experience crisis and discomfort.
The Bishop opined that it is better to abandon the multitude and go lonely, following the narrow way, which is Christ the hope of glory. He added that the narrow way is an exemplary way of life, where what people preach is what they practice. According to him, to walk through the narrow way is not easy, but it opens the permanent door for permanent prosperity, because it is a clear standard of God. He said that the narrow way though painful and uncomfortable leads to testimony.
The guest preacher shared many experiences to buttress his point and quoted profusely from the Bible to authenticate his stand.
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