- November 17, 2016

‘Whereas marriage is a divine institution. Celibacy is not ordained by God’’. This was the submission of his Grace the Most Revd. Dr. George Latunji Lasebikan the Archbishop Ecclesiastical province of Ondo (Anglican Communion) at the holy solemnization of former Miss Esther Oke now Mrs Adefala, a staff of the Anglican Cable Network Nigeria (ACNN TELEVISION) held at Christ church Cathedral Ijero – ekiti, Ekiti state.

The learned cleric said that by the joining of Samuel and Esther Adefala, God’s ordinance is being fulfilled. He spoke vehemently against the folly of the madness of joining homosexuals in marriage, according to him it is evil and it will end in destruction as it happened in the days of yore.
According to the erudite scholar, marriage is against loneliness, adding that the wife must not be abandoned vice versa. He said the company must be shared for iron to sharpen iron. Marriage he said is like a 3 – legged race which requires the agreement between the two lest they fall. He said marriage is a test of their obedience, faith and love for God.
He reminded the new husband that to be the head is for him to give himself for his wife. He cautioned that the husband should be very careful because according to him, some heads are bad as we have in the Nigerian nation today. He said that there are many irresponsible heads who loves grabbing and siphoning the commonwealth to foreign banks because their love for illegal wealth is insatiable.
Most Revd. George Lasebikan opined that the woman is not a beast of burden, not a donkey nor a horse, she is part of the body of the man hence she should be treated like an egg adding that when the husband takes care of the wife, the wife will naturally submit.
The bishop of Ondo diocese explained that to be a Christian is very tough but quickly added that marriage demands giving and receiving which means it is reciprocal with the law of doing things together, share together, sleep together, talk together saying nothing should be too big that they cannot share together. He said there was no way the king would have known Esther’s mind until she spoke out. According to the cleric, marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured adding that the wife may be the one to make the mistake, the husband will be the one to ask for forgiveness.
Most Revd. Dr Lasebikan prayed that no hindrance will stop the new couple from praying together adding that their marriage shall be in compliments and the devil shall fail. Bishops, the Clergy and the Laity, well wishers from all walks of life graced the occasion as witnesses to the Holy solemnisation, It was glorious.
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