- May 1, 2022

On March 25, 2022, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Most Reverend (Dr.) Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba clocked two years in office. In this second part of the interview with the Advent Cable Network Nigeria (ACNN TV), the Primate speaks on the journey so far.
You started the Joshua Generation International Conference (JGIYC) last year. What have you noticed from this conference? Does it blend with the vision of the reign of God?
One of the things that informed what we do is our strong belief that we are at the brink of another breaking forth of God’s move. The Joshua Generation is a kind of response to the situation that we found ourselves in. We came to a point where many of our young people were running away from the church and some not committed to the things of God. But we thank God that there are still many young people in the church who are willing to walk the old path of obedience and total submission to God.
One of the things that the Lord laid in our hearts is the need to galvanise young people; bring them together. Working with the children and the young people, I have come to realise that sometimes the enemy attacks us where we really need the synergy. In the children department you will find out that the Sunday School Movement (SSM) is walking apart from the ACM movement. So, we have to bring all of them together to be of one mind and one purpose.
Without peace, unity and bonding, we will not achieve much. Also, in the youth ministry there is the AYF and many other groups, including the Anglican Students Fellowship, and the EFAC Fellowship both in the higher institutions. They are all scattered across different institutions with each group pursuing its own goal. We believe that for this generation of our young people to take on the leadership of the church, family and nation, they need to come together like Joshua and Caleb of old.
When God brought Israel out of Egypt, most of the people did not see the God who was doing what he was doing. But two young men believed in what God was doing in Moses and through Moses. They were close to Moses. They keyed into the faith of Moses. They keyed into the word of God. They were picking the miracles and the supernatural acts that God was releasing.
They were just the two that came out of Egypt who entered into the Promised Land. Right from his youth, Joshua was attached to Moses. When others were worshiping the calf, which Aaron made in the camp, Joshua was at the foot of the mountain waiting upon the Lord.
God is raising another Joshua’s generation that will stand the ground, hold on to the word of God, not minding what is happening around them, and believe what God is doing. They are the generation that will conquer the land. They are the generation that will turn things around for good for us. They are the ones that will possess their possessions. They are the future of the church.
Joshua Generation International Youth Conference is our mission to the youth and with the youth, which is not just limited to Nigeria, but also goes across the world because I am believing that God has positioned the Church of Nigeria at this time to stimulate, sensitise and mobilise the global church into mission in preparation for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is because many appear to have forgotten that Jesus is coming back. The message around now is: “Name It And Get It,” which is prosperity message. It is without righteousness, commitment; it is without work and obedience to God. No! We are saying that we want to see the Joshua Generation come up against the challenges of our time. The giants may be on our way to hinder us, but God will surely give us victory. We are raising a generation that will believe God, go to God’s words and possess the land. Our desire is that as the Lord stirs the fire of faith and helps us to take our place and raise this genuine generation in Nigeria and Africa, we shall experience a fresh move of God. God will not only touch us, but will also make the young people take their place, and possess their possessions as Joshua and Caleb did.
The vision has started to manifest and since the maiden edition in April 2021, more than 5, 000 youths have given their lives to Christ, and more than 3, 000 have volunteered for mission. The CNMS has trained some of them, and very soon they will be deployed.