- Ngozi Maduoma
- May 25, 2017

“Even when we are fearful, we still reach our destination because Jesus is always there for us. It is a great privilege that Jesus is always with His people.”
This was the submission of the Rt. Rev. Jonah Kolo, Bishop Diocese of Bida at the opening service of the First Session of the 10th Synod of Diocese of Abuja held at St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Maitama Abuja.
Speaking on the theme of the Synod, “Teacher do you not care that we are perishing,” Bishop Kolo said fear gripped the disciples because of the pandemonium caused by the ill storm, adding that the fear sent jitters to their spines, they ran to Jesus and they go instant relief. The Bishop said anytime anybody comes to Jesus, he gets something positive in return. He cited so many instances in the Bible where people with affliction ran to Jesus and were saved; the paralytic, woman with the issue of blood, syrophoenician woman, Lazarus’s sisters, just to mention but a few.
He laid all emphasis to the fact that no matter how serious or stormy the challenges, people should look away from the storm and go to Jesus because He is always near, He cares, and He is the solution. The Bishop of Bida said that the authority of Jesus is real and commanding, no wonder then that He rebuked the wind and brought calmness to a tensed situation and atmosphere. According to the Preacher, Jesus can exercise authority in heaven and earth over everything, everybody and without Him people can do nothing.
He opined that people who face challenges in their lives should count themselves lucky because they belong to Him, all they need is to spend quality time with Him, taking all their burdens to Him and He will surely bring calmness to the stormy cups and sweetness will follow, because He is a compassionate Father.
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