- May 1, 2020

This experience of lockdown took the Church by surprise, but it is a challenge to us, as Christians, as pastors and Church leaders to rethink the way we do ministry.
We have gotten so used to the traditional way of gathering people in large numbers in our Churches, especially during major Christian celebrations such as Christmas and Easter.
But, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, Churches have been advised to stop all public gatherings, and members have been instructed to stay at home, which has left many Churches empty and at a loss on what to do, and how to reach out to their congregations.
Therefore, as Christians and Church leaders, we must rise up to the challenge and utilize every technology at our disposal, to keep on propagating the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
It is a learning process, because many of us are not used to online services and the likes. But, we must continue to train and retrain ourselves, as ministers of the gospel, and work together to ensure that the Church of God continues to match on.