- Adesewa Orioye
- May 14, 2024

WHEREAS, the Diocese of Umuahia, (Anglican Communion), holds her Synods annually, hence the 1st Session of the 11th Synod of the Diocese, held at All Saints Church, Umuahia North LGA, Abia State, from Wednesday, 1st May,2024 to Sunday, 5th May, 2024, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and led by the President of the Synod and Bishop of the Diocese, His Lordship, the Rt. Revd. (Dr.) Geoffrey Obijuru Ibeabuchi.
WHEREAS, in attendance were the wife of the Bishop and the President of the Women’s Ministry, Umuahia Diocese, Mrs. Gospel Ogechi Geo- Ibeabuchi, Ph.D., Diocesan officials, the Clergy, Synod delegates of the Diocese, and other dignitaries, the Synod was properly constituted.
AND WHEREAS, the Synod deliberated on the theme, “SITTING AT THE FEET OF JESUS: THE RIGHT CHOICE” (Luke 10:38-42); and featured Holy Communion Services, Bible Studies, Prayers, Lectures, Plenary Sessions, and the presentation of the Presidential Address.
- APPRECIATION: The Synod commends:
- The Federal Government of Nigeria for the efforts towards the creation of State Police; and
- Successfully commissioning the Geometric Power Plant, Aba, Abia State.
- The recent reactivation of train services from Port Harcourt to Aba.
- The Abia State Government for the massive road constructions and rehabilitations in all the 3 Senatorial Zones of the State.
- Restoring the dignity of the Civil Service by the timely and regular payment of salaries, and
- Commencing the payment of Pension Arrears to Abia State Pensioners.
The Synod lamented and strongly condemned:
- The abhorrent and inexcusable scarcity of cash in the banks as citizens are now compelled to depend on POS operators for even the most mundane of their monetary transactions.
- The continuous exodus of skilled manpower across all strata of the economy to foreign countries in search of greener pasture.
- The recent hike in electricity tariffs without corresponding improvement in the quality of power supply.
- The astronomical and frequent increases in the prices of petroleum products and the consequential upsurge in the prices of goods and services.
- The hardship farmers encounter to access fertilizer, improved seeds and seedlings, contrary to the strident calls by the Government for more people to engage in farming.
- The continuous detention of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu on trumped up charges in the same country where proven terrorists, Boko haram members and bandits are given amnesty and recruited into the Armed Forces, and the Police Force.
- The failure of the Federal Government to rehabilitate and restore the refining capacities of the 4 Petroleum Refineries in the Country.
- The free fall and depreciation of the Naira.
- The reluctance of the Federal Government to review the national minimum wage in the face of debilitating hardship occasioned by removal of petroleum subsidy.
- Lack of boldness of Christian leaders in the National Assembly to openly condemn the endemic corruption bedeviling the nation.
- The failure of the Federal Government to fulfill the promises made to Nigerians to apply the savings from the subsidy removal to revamp the economy.
- The outrageous billing of consumers by the Discos (Power Distribution Companies) without providing commensurate quality service.
- Multiple and often times, unexplained charges by the banks.
- The painful culture of multiple taxation of the citizens by numerous tax agencies in the country.
The Synod recommends that:
- The State Police, when established should not be an instrument for vendetta and silencing of the opposition by State Governors, and others in the corridors of power.
- Following the cessation of the Fuel Subsidy regime, urgent and sustained action should be taken to repair, and make functional, the 4 Refineries in the Country.
- Fertilizers, improved seeds, and extension services should be made available to the real farmers in Nigeria.
- The Inspector General of Police should withdraw the huge crowd of members of the Police Force guarding Politicians and their cronies.
- The CBN should halt the trend where Nigerians are forced to buy the Naira from POS operators due to cash shortages in the banks.
- The Government should halt the phenomenal exodus of our productive workforce by creating enabling environment for our teeming Youth and skilled workers to thrive.
- Mazi Nnamdi Kanu should be released unconditionally in order to assuage the ill feelings of the Igbos.
- The Government should make concerted efforts to stabilize the value of the Naira by truly restoring the manufacturing, agriculture and agro-processing sectors.
- The recent hike in the electricity tariff, and the withdrawal of petroleum subsidy should be matched with improved power supply, and seamless availability of petroleum products.
- The Government should without further delay, negotiate with Labour and establish a living national minimum wage.
- The Abia State Government should fastrack and complete the process of returning Mission Schools to their Founders.
- The Abia State Government should be careful in dealing with Sycophants bent on derailing the good intentions of the Government.
- The Federal Government should keep the promise of applying savings from fuel subsidy removal to revive the economy.
- Incidences of multiple taxations, and outrageous charges by tax agencies and the banks respectively, should be reduced to the barest minimum.
- Christian leaders should boldly defend this faith by publicly condemning the endemic corruption in the country.
- The recent upward increase in electricity tariffs should be halted forthwith.
The Synod, having participated and listened to the exhaustive expositions, bible studies, and teachings on the theme of the 1st Session of the 111h Synod, “SITTING AT THE FEET OF JESUS: THE RIGHT CHOICE” (Luke 10:38-42), firmly and hereby resolved that we shall as a church, henceforth:
- Pay attention to the Words of the Lord Jesus Christ in the same manner Peter and other disciples did in John 6: 68-69, by declaring that:”…. To whom shall we go…you alone have the word of eternal life”.
- Avoid all forms of distractions that divert out our attention from Him and His Word.
- Learn to do the right thing at the right time so as to forestall last minute confusion and complaint.
- Present with open mind, our sins, frustrations, sorrows, pains, embarrassments, confusion, humiliation, fears and cares to the Lord in prayer.
- Willingly sacrifice our time, talent and treasure in the service of our Master.
- Be ready at all times to defend the cause of the Gospel of Christ.
- Open our families and homes for divine encounter.
- Intentionally and totally surrender our lives and affairs to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Rise from His feet totally transformed persons
Clerical Synod Secretary
Rt. Rev’d Dr. Geoffrey Obijuru Ibeabuchi.
Bishop, Diocese of Umuahia & President of the Synod.