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Equip the Child to Survive any Crowd

One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?” Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” Now

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How can one rejig and fire up his spiritual life?

Venerable Gershinen Paul Dajur, PhD Simply put, spiritual life means Life in Christ Jesus. That is a life that has been surrendered to Jesus Christ and Him alone. All those who are born again into Jesus Christ live in

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From the Empty Tomb to Today’s Abuse: Believe Women

I was an RZIM apologist. Trusting female sources is key to Christian witness. AMY ORR-EWING|MARCH 30, 2021  The central facts of the Christian faith were all primarily witnessed by women. Jesus was “conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of

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Primate Ndukuba: What a year!

Primate Henry Ndukuba celebrates one year in office 25th March 2021 and what a year that had been for the Primate of All Nigeria and Bishop Metropolitan. To start with, the Primate was enthroned in the midst of the

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GAFCON launched in Isle of Wight

This week Gafcon IOW (Isle of Wight, UK) was launched. This is a local expression of a global movement, and the Steering Committee are thrilled to be under the umbrella of the largest anglican movement in the world. The Gafcon movement

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Podcast Series for the week