- Adesewa Orioye
- May 8, 2024

During the 3rd session of the 35th Synod in the Diocese of Lagos, congregants delved into a powerful bible study discussion led by The Rev. David Akintunde Coker. Focusing on the story of Jonah 1-4, they explored the dangers of self-righteousness hindering the spread of God’s word.

Jonah’s Resistance: A Mirror for Self-Righteousness
The exposition used the prophet Jonah’s story as a springboard for introspection. Jonah’s initial refusal to preach to Nineveh, a city known for its wickedness, exemplified how self-righteousness can create a barrier to God’s redemptive work. Rev. Coker challenged listeners to examine their own hearts and confront any tendencies to judge others based on perceived moral failings.

God’s Unconditional Love: Embracing the Prodigal
Contrasting Jonah’s initial resistance with the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:20-24). The parable emphasizes God’s unconditional love and forgiveness, extending grace even to those who have strayed. Similarly, Romans 5:6 underscores this point: “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” God’s love is not limited by human imperfections.

Nigeria in the Light of God’s Grace
The message then addressed the contemporary situation in Nigeria, specifically the prevalence of corruption, Judging and condemning others hinders progress. Following Jonah’s eventual obedience and Nineveh’s repentance, the study offered a message of hope. Just as God’s love transformed Nineveh, genuine transformation in Nigeria can occur when hearts turn towards God and his message of love and forgiveness.

A Call to Action: Sharing God’s Love in Word and Deed
By examining the story of Jonah and its connection to present-day challenges, the bible exposition served as a call to action for the Diocese of Lagos and, by extension, the nation of Nigeria. By letting go of self-righteous judgment and embracing God’s all-encompassing love, individuals can become instruments of positive change in their communities.