- November 16, 2017

Speaking on the today’s theme: ` Master the tempest is ranging,’, The Rt Rev Tunde Adeleye, Bishop of Calabar Dioceses told participants that just as the waves ranged high when Jesus disciplines were about to cross to the other side, when we desire or plan to progress, turbulence, conflict, poverty, sufferings may come when we plan to move. But ` there is a Man, His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
No matter how dark the clouds, because of the Man Jesus, nothing can touch. Cross over shall be an easy task. He prayed that God will keep our helpers alive and that Jesus would send them to our rescue. He prayed that May our helpers remain alive, the person taking us to the next level.. Jesus is the Man’.
` Waiting o man can fail,” Bishop Adeleye said. Dependence on man is limited. Dependence is built on nothing less except on Jesus Christ. Therefore, ` wake Him up! He prayed that Jesus will not put shame on, disgrace; when Jesus wakes up; my salvation, my deliverance will come. No one around you is interested in your growth more than yourself. Even when you testify, some rejoice, others wonder what you are saying.
Jesus will respond to us. He cited Hebrew 12 and shared the snares and sins that weigh us down. He prayed that we all be set free and ` run with endurance; looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Although there is a storm combating against our ship, it does not matter the intensity of the storm, we must believe that` We are going somewhere!’ Irrespective of the cause of the storm, ` ALL MUST OBEY HIS WILL!”
Trials: Peace… be still!
Agitations: Peace… be still!
Tensions: Peace, be still
Conflicts: Peace, be still
The storm is over: Peace, be still!
Jesus is awake: The storm is over: Peace… be still
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