- Ngozi Maduoma
- August 1, 2016

After some drilling exercises for the newly joined couple, the preacher and former Primate of the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Peter Jasper Akinola said the entire phenomenon of marriage is not the making of man, but God took the initiative. According to him, God is the architect, initiator and builder of marriage, which is of divine origin that no man can lay claim to. He said the institution of marriage has suffered severely in the world from two main sins that have plagued humanity, the sin of adultery and sin of homosexuality, but he quickly added that marriage has survived the attacks and it remains valid in the hands of God and His word.
Archbishop Akinola reiterated that the word of God that man should not be alone is real, adding that loneliness is a killer; it is a bad thing, for it can cause death. He said in marriage whoever goes against what God has ordained must pay the prize. He said the rules and regulations of marriage “a custom built house,” must be followed. The former Primate right there practicalised his preaching by presenting a big Bible to the couple as a manual to be read religiously and obeyed for them to have a good marriage life.
Archbishop Akinola said Christians should abhor and run away from immorality, filthy language, be holy and have a good Christian home. He said the rate of separation and divorce is on the increase today, because some wives have refused to submit to their husbands. He appealed to parents, daddies and mummies to play responsible roles in the lives of their children by allowing them and the marriage to grow, even when they make mistakes.
He admonished the couple to obey God, adding that the only verifiable evidence that is well known and that cannot be disputed is obedience to God. According to him, if people say they love God and do not obey Him, they don’t know Him. He told Mrs. Ijeoma Aziagba to submit to her husband, adding that he has become her responsibility; then turning to the husband, Mr. Nonso Aziagba he said he must love his wife sacrificially as Jesus loves the Church.
He wrapped up his sermon by illustrating marriage with the law of reciprocity. He told men and women of timber and caliber, who witnessed the marriage that it is what they sow they will reap. He admonished that they should not allow third party to interfere in their affairs, asking them to decide which friends to keep. He said the Bible is the manual and guide for every Christian to have a long-lasting marriage.
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