- November 13, 2017

BISHOP ADELEYE: I must confess emphatically that preparation for this year’s DIVCCON have been very amazing. We had initial problems and fear. We thought that attendance would be low because of the situation in the country. You of course know that there is a lot of pressure on the finances of the people but amazingly the Lord himself surprised all of us, so we have put in place everything. The steering committee met a number of times, the coordinating units of different units also met a number of times and the Lord has helped us to put everything in place.
The accommodation, the public address systems, securing the center was not a problem because God was with us. Feeding has also been put in place. We have appointed and also established the forum for other program. The bible study coordinators have been appointed. The seminar papers and the seminar presenters all well-chosen all over the country.
The main speakers for the morning talks all have been put in place. It is very amazing. We have made preparations to put the TAGS in place. The printers are working, all hands are on deck. We are very ready, we are not disorganized, we are not running helter shelter, we are calm, and we are on course. The success of this year’s conference will far more exceed that of last year in attendance, in ministration, far more in testimonies, and in all aspects of the program. Remember what the bible says that the Glory of the latter days shall be greater than the former. God is in DIVCCON, we will not be marching on the same sport, we are moving on. So this year the number of those people who registered on line this year are far more that those who registered last year. Everybody is in love with DIVCCON, they are committed. The vision was given to our primate, we believe it and a vision is highly organic, we have grown.
QUESTION: looking at the cosmopolitan nature of Abuja, what is the arrangement for security?
BISHOP ADELEYE: I think generally in the country, everybody is security conscious. Whether Abuja or not. For this kind of program we must be security conscious. The enemy is trickish, he is fearless, there is no place he cannot penetrate. It is not appropriate for me to tell you what security measure we have put in place because you don’t divulge your security system to the public but I can assure you definitely this time around, the devil with its antics and pranks will be crushed because God is greater that the devil. DIVCCON is interdenominational, it is not limited to Anglicans alone. We have invited different denominations to the opening ceremony and all segments of the program. We shall improve on this next year because it is an area we decided to open our door in the larger sense to non- Anglicans
QUESTION: What informed your choice of the theme for DIVCCON this year “We have the Man, Jesus”?
We met, we prayed, we looked at the situation in the country, the social problems, economic and political problems. We were convinced that if we say we have no problem, we are deceiving ourselves. It is not now that we should be pretending on who is responsible for our problems.I think what we Nigerians need, what the Church needs now is how to come out of this problem. We then looked at the man at the side of Bethsaida river. He has been there for years, tied down. That’s a problem. The bible says he is impotent. He complained to Jesus that he had nobody to carry him which can also be the situation to all people in Nigeria today, the common people like us. He told Jesus there was nobody to carry me, nobody to support me. He had been there for 39years. Jesus assured him that a man is here to help you. We are saying now that we have a man called Jesus. We are now telling Nigerians who are worried that there is nobody to help them and are suffering in the hands of people and things are turning upside down. We are saying that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is able to set them free. You don’t need to be looking for Godfather, we have the man called Jesus, He will help us. That is behind the Theme. You are going to see it in the program this year. As many as will receive that Jesus will receive the help and would become potent out of this impotent circumstances in Nigeria. We are expecting people from all parts of the world. We wish them journey mercies whether they travel by road, by air or by sea.
Thanks so very much my Lord for your time.
Thanks so much too, I owe you the time.
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