- Korede Akintunde
- September 23, 2024

Dearly Beloved in Christ,
In the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Standing Committee Meeting of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) was held from Tuesday, 17th to Friday, 20th September, 2024 at St. Andrew’s Basilica, Hillview, Trans-Ekulu, Diocese of Nike, Province of Enugu, Enugu State. The theme was “The Lord That Heals: Perfect Healing of the People and Nation” (Exodus 15:24-26).
We laud and magnify our God, who was and is and will forever be. He has kept His Church despite the harsh economic downturn and uncertainties of our time brought about by insecurity, high cost of Petroleum products, banditry, kidnapping and corruption. It is God’s will to provide good health and healing to His people.
The season we are in now, more than ever before demands that we trust the Lord who revealed Himself as Jehovah Rapha – “The God that Heals”. Although there have been different physicians who healed in different ways in history, using different methods, knowledge and powers, none has ever rivalled God, neither shall there be any. When God intervenes in bringing healing to people and situations, it is wholesome and such gives glory to God and affirms His power over His creation and His dominion. Our God desires to restore us spiritually through His Word and to heal us in body, soul and spirit. Healing is the gift of God to His children and the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Church. This gift must be stirred into flame and be used as part of the exercise of our faith.

Arising from the Theme of the Standing Committee Meeting at Nike Diocese and the outcome of the maiden Health Summit of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), we enjoin our parishes to ensure availability of at least a first aid capability in every Church, as the beginning of the effort to establish a robust health care system for our Church. We call on all medical and health professionals in our Church to support the initiatives of the Church and put processes and policies in place for a formidable Health
Care delivery system for our Church.
In the midst of all that is going on in our country, we urge you all to take heed to your health-body, mind and soul. Simple hygiene principle of disease prevention; exercises, healthy eating and general awareness of safety. These can help us reduce the need for health services, especially of the acute type.
Our country, Nigeria, is challenged with incidents of corruption, insecurity, violent crimes and manifestations attributable to bad governance. God can intervene by raising leaders that would be in tune with Him and the people will rally around them to bring healing to our land. There is still hope for this nation, Nigeria.
The moratorium on the creation of Dioceses has been lifted at the 14th General Synod at Nnewi last year, and the conditions for such creation were well stated. The three supra-regions in the Church of Nigeria – Supra West, Supra North and the Joint Council of the East have been mandated under the leadership of some of our fathers to investigate and recommend possible areas that can be created as full-fledged Dioceses.
Mission and Evangelism continue to be our foremost task. We, therefore, appeal to all our Churches to come alive to the demands of the Great Commission as He commanded us in Matthew 28:18-20. All our mission organizations and CNMS have been repositioned for this task. Our national Churches is Committed to advancing the frontier of mission to the African Continent working with other Christian Mission Organizations to engage in World Mission.
We implore our youths, especially in the face of the current national challenges to shun anything that can lead to a breach in our democracy. We urge our youth not to make themselves available to be used for the destruction of the country.
Our Country has continued to encounter various challenges including the scarcity and high cost of petroleum products. We pray those in authority will deal with the challenges expeditiously. We trust God as we pray for grace and guidance for our government to be able to manage our resources more effectively to the benefit of all. Please be encouraged, under God, we shall overcome the situation.

Finally, as we thank the Lord for another successful Standing Committee Meeting, we also appreciate the Bishop of Nike Diocese, The Rt Rev’d Dr Christian Onyeka Onyia and Barr Mrs Nneka Onyia, all the clergy and their wives and all the faithful people of Nike Diocese who laboured hard to ensure that the processes of this Standing Committee Meeting flowed seamlessly. May the Lord bless them all.
May the Lord heal us as individuals, heal His Church and our nation in general.
Yours in His service,
The Most Rev’d Henry C. Ndukuba, MA, BD, MA (Ed.), DD
Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria.