- Adesewa Orioye
- February 6, 2024

Beloved people of God,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Standing Committee Meeting of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), was held from Monday, 5th to Friday, 9th February, 2024 at the Cathedral Church of Ascension, Boji-Boji, Owa, Diocese of Ika, Delta State. The Theme was “Who is on the Lord’s Side: Contending with Apostasy in our Generation”. (Exodus 32:25-29).
We laud and magnify our God, who was, and is and will forever be. He has kept His Church despite the economic downslide, insecurity, banditry, kidnapping, hunger and uncertainties of our time.
The situation we are in now, more than ever before, demands that we trust the Lord to lead and direct us in all our activities. The Theme of the Standing Committee meeting enjoins us that we turn away from idolatry. The idols being talked about here are not just molten images or golden calf. They include any other thing that has taken the place of God in our lives.
The bane of humanity is rebellion against God. It grieves the heart of God as it was in the days of Noah when God destroyed the world with flood. The Homosexuality and hedonistic life of Sodom and Gomorrah have resurfaced in our days just as they were in the dying days of the great Empires of the world. The so-called cultural revivals, neo-paganism, and occultic practices are manifestations of the rebellion against God.
We are grateful to God for the 45th Anniversary of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) as an autonomous Province and the giant strides the Church has recorded these past years. As we look to the years ahead, the word of God will be taught in power, the gospel will be proclaimed faithfully and the sacraments will be administered rightly. The Church shall continue to grow both spiritually and numerically as we hold forth the Eternal Hope in the risen and exalted Lord, Jesus Christ.
Beloved of God, following complaints and reports of misappropriation of lands and landed properties in some Dioceses, we urge those involved to desist from such acts to avoid the wrath of God. We enjoin the Registered Trustees of the Dioceses to ensure effective custody of Church property.
The moratorium on the creation of Dioceses was lifted during the 14th General Synod and conditions have been laid out as a guide for the creation of new Dioceses. The conditions stipulated for that purpose shall be strictly adhered to.
Beloved in the Lord, we continue to appreciate your support through the St. Matthias’ Day and Advent Sunday special fund raising. They have been great sources of strength for the Church in her missions since their inceptions. Another St. Matthias Day Collection is coming up on Sunday, 25th February, 2024. We strongly appeal for faithful participation by all our Dioceses.
The 2024 edition of the Joshua Generation International Youth Conference will hold between 1st and 6th April, 2024 in Abuja. We encourage all our youths to avail themselves of this great vision. It will surely enable them to grow spiritually and to fulfil God’s purposes for their lives.
We sincerely appreciate the Bishop of Ika, the Rt Rev’d Godfrey Ifeanyichukwu Ekpenisi and his wife, Mrs. Nkemdilim Evelyn Ekpenisi, and the good people of the Diocese for successfully hosting the Standing Committee meeting. We also extend our thanks to the Archbishop of Bendel Province, the Most Rev’d Dr Cyril Odutemu, the Bishops of the Province, their wives and the entire members of the Province for their support. We commend their hospitality and pray that God will bless them all richly.
Finally, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has never changed. He is the God of all generations and shall remain for eternity. Our generation shall praise and serve Him and the coming generations shall rise up to worship Him. We are bound to pass on the testimony of our God to our children’s children so that they shall not be rebellious. As God called out to Israel through Moses, He is calling out the Church in our generation to return to Him. This is the time to seek the LORD and return to God of mercy. The choice of on whose side each one of us stands must be made now. Each person and family is encouraged to serve the Living God.
Peace be with you all,
The Most Rev’d Henry C. Ndukuba, DD
Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria