Official Statement from the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) on the Creation of Diocese in the United Kingdom

  • Korede Akintunde
  • May 31, 2024
It has come to our notice that the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE) has accepted the Anglican Missionary Congregation (AMC) as one of their dioceses at the recently concluded Synod. We wish to address this development and clarify the position of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) as follows: 1. The AMC Diocese is an initiative of the Anglican Network in Europe: We categorically state that the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) has not established any Diocese in the United Kingdom. Any claims suggesting that the Diocese of AMC is a creation of the Church of Nigeria is false and mischievously intended to be misleading. The initiative to create this diocese is entirely that of the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE) and not of the Church of Nigeria. 2. Respect for the jurisdiction of the Church of England: The Church of Nigeria respects the jurisdiction and territorial boundaries of the Church of England and adheres strictly to the principles of Anglican polity and provincial jurisdiction. As an Anglican Province, we hold the jurisdiction of the Church of England in the highest regard. 3. The Nigerian Chaplaincy in the UK: Our missions in the UK are carried out through the Nigerian Chaplaincy, which serves the spiritual needs of Nigerians in the UK without contravening the established ecclesiastical order. The Nigerian Chaplaincy is not a diocese and does not seek to operate as such within the UK. As a foundation and prominent member of GAFCON, the Church of Nigeria rejoices at the good work the LORD is doing through GAFCON member Provinces worldwide and prays for the mission of ANiE. ANiE is an independent Christian Ecclesial Body that is in conversation with any other Christian Bodies and Communities to enhance the Orthodox and Biblical Faith witness in all nations. They offer hope and support to all who seek to be faithful to the Orthodox Faith and our cherished Anglican Heritage. In the light of these facts, the Church of Nigeria as a Province disassociates itself entirely from being used as an excuse or reason for whatever is happening outside of our jurisdiction. The focus should be on GAFCON not on Nigerians in the UK. We urge all members, affiliates, and the general public to disregard any such contrary claims and continue to support our mission through the established and recognized Nigerian Chaplaincy. We equally assure all our Clergy in the UK and Europe of our support, guidance, and prayers. Please, stay focused on your ministry and mission. For further clarification, contact The Rt Rev’d Benjamin Enwuchola, our Coordinating Bishop for Europe Missions, +447944470263 [[email protected]]. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the LORD.” (1 Corinthians 15:58). Thank you for your labour in the Kingdom of God. The LORD be with you, The Venerable Gershinen Paul Dajur, PhD, General Secretary, Church of Nigeria.

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