• Korede Akintunde
  • September 23, 2024


The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) Standing Committee met under the guidance of the Holy Spirit at St. Andrew’s Basilica, Hill View, Trans – Ekulu, Diocese of Nike, Enugu State, from Tuesday 17th – Friday 20th September, 2024.

The theme considered in the meeting was “The Lord That Heals: Perfect Healing of the People and Nation” (Exodus 15: 24 – 26; Mark 2:5-12). The meeting was presided over by His Grace, the Most Rev’d Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, DD, (Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion).

In attendance were 147 Archbishops and Bishops, 107 Clergy, and 93 lay members. Also in attendance at the opening ceremony were the wife of the Primate of Church of Nigeria, Mrs Angela Eberechukwu Ndukuba (President of Mothers’ Union and Girls’ Organizations); Barr Dr Peter Ndubuisi Mbah (Executive Governor of Enugu State); the Most Rev’d Dr David Onuoha (President of Christian Council of Nigeria); the Rt Rev’d Dr Yassir Andrew Eric (GAFCON Bishop for Muslim Background Believers Mission); the Rt Rev’d Prof. Cornelius S. S. Bello who facilitated the Bible Study; HRH Igwe Emmanuel Ugwu (Eze-Okwe 1 of Okwe Kingdom and Igwe of Ibagwa Nike); and other government and religious functionaries.

The former Primates of Church of Nigeria, the Most Rev’d Dr Peter Jasper Akinola and the Most Rev’d Dr Nicholas D. Okoh, His Eminence, Dr Ekpenyong N. Akpanika, (The Prelate of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria and Moderator of General Assembly) sent goodwill messages.

At the end of the meeting, the Standing Committee issued the following communiqué:

Theme of the Standing Committee meeting:
The book of Exodus reveals the mighty power of God in the deliverance of his people from physical and spiritual oppressions. This includes the wholesome healing of the people of God and nation. Healing as restoration to full health in body, mind and spirit remains God’s desire for his people. Sickness and illness came into the world as a result of sin, yet God has made provision in Jesus Christ for the healing of the world.
The Standing Committee therefore decries consultation with mediums and spirits, demand for special sacrifices on the road or shrine, river or streams and other diabolical and occultic means of special candles and prayers or prophecies in attempt to be healed; and urge believers to exercise faith in God for the holistic healing of the spirit and body as well as utilize the gift of medical science.
State of the Nation:

The Ravage of Flood:
The Standing Committee commiserates with the government and people of states that have experienced serious devastation due to massive flood in recent time, especially communities in Borno state. This is attributed to continuous heavy rains and the failure of Alau dam, causing extensive damage and destruction of infrastructure, lives and livelihood. It prays for the comfort and healing of the LORD for the families of the deceased, and urge the government at all levels to take seriously the effects of climate change and make proactive efforts to prevent the consuming effects.

The Wave of Corruption: Nigeria has been bedeviled with a spate of corruption, biting her so hard that it has denied her every possible and visible developmental growth and livelihood. The more corruption is institutionalized the more it reigns in every facet of the Nigerian nation – Executives, Legislatures, Judiciary, Parastatals, agencies and even the ordinary citizen on the street. The speed and depth with which corruption thrives in Nigeria makes it difficult but not impossible to cure. The Standing Committee, therefore, decries the spate of corruption in our nation and highly recommends that agencies charged with the responsibility of fighting corruption (EFCC, ICPC, Nigeria Police, etc) should wake up and be more sincere, intentional and transparent in the discharge of their duty.

#EndBadGovernance# Protest:
The mass demonstration of Nigerians from 1st to 10th August, 2024 against bad governance and hunger in the nation was loud and clear. The Standing Committee stands with the Nigerian people on their cry against bad governance and hunger, as the people are tired of empty promises by government to stem the rising costs of living. Nigerians are indeed under severe hardship imposed
by the insensitive economic policies of government. In spite of the precarious situation of the citizens, politicians in authority have continued in their ostentatious lifestyle and unabashed display of affluence and luxury which attract public restiveness. While it condemns miscreants who under the guise of the protest rampaged and looted public and private properties, it deplores the molestation, unnecessary arrest and trial of peaceful and nonviolent protesters.

Hoisting of Russian Flag:
The Standing Committee condemns the hoisting of Russian flags in parts of the country by some protesters, and urges the government to thoroughly investigate and deal with the instigators and perpetrators of this crime against the Nigeria State.

Creeping Xenophobia in Nigeria: The Standing Committee commends the President on his stand on the insidious rise in xenophobic tendencies in the country. Xenophobic activities might suggest that Nigeria is yet to be fully healed from the effects of the civil war. Therefore, it urges the President to ensure that the purveyors of xenophobic acts are brought to book instead of being merely condemned.

Need for a New Constitution:
The National Assembly has undertaken a piecemeal amendment of the military bequeathed
constitution. The Standing Committee calls for a holistic constitution review to reflect the true situation and concerns of the Nigerian people and address the various agitations of the citizens.

Scourge of Insecurity and Banditry:
Incidents of kidnapping and banditry have continued to ravage the country, despite the sworn determination of government to stem the tide. The Standing Committee salutes the courage and sacrifices of the security agencies and strongly urges the government to sincerely employ effective and productive strategies against the widespread insecurity in Nigeria.

Nigerian Economy and Hike on Fuel pump price:
The Nigerian economy has continued to dwindle. The recently approved minimum wage of N70,000.00 is already a defeated step taken by the government, as no sooner it was signed into law by the President than the fuel hike over took its essence. It is also pertinent to note that some state Governors have declared their inability to pay the minimum wage.
The Standing Committee strongly decries the hike in petroleum products (PMS, AGO, Kerosene, Cooking gas) which has made life miserable and unbearable for Nigerians. The cost of fuel influences the cost of virtually every economic activity.
It therefore, urges the government to bring down the cost of petroleum products to the reach of the general citizenry.
The Standing Committee salutes the coming on stream of Dangote refinery and for its bold effort towards solving the problem of scarcity of petroleum products and prays that it succeeds in this venture. It calls on government to quickly resolve the imbroglio between the NNPCL, MDPRA, and Dangote refinery in the interest of Nigerians.

Local Government Autonomy:
The Standing Committee applauds the recent Supreme Court ruling upholding the autonomy of the 774 LGAs in the nation. It therefore urges that the bill to establish the Local Government Independent Electoral Commission be handled expeditiously to ensure that the autonomy of the Local Governments brings the desired democratic governance and expected development of the constituent communities. Furthermore, it strongly recommends that financial security architecture to monitor the proper utilization of allocations accruing to the Local Governments be instituted to avoid the Local Governments becoming another layer of financial hemorrhage.
God sees the situation of his people and hears their cry for healing. He is ever ready and willing to heal his people and nations. He is the LORD who heals us and he uses any means as he chooses for the healing of his people. May God’s healing power rest upon his people and our nation.


  • The Venerable Gershinen Paul Dajur, PhD
    General Secretary, Church of Nigeria
  • The Most Rev’d Blessing C. Enyindah, PhD
    Dean, Church of Nigeria
  • The Most Rev’d Henry C. Ndukuba, MA, BD, MA (Ed.), DD
    Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria



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