- May 26, 2016

“Corruption has eaten deep into the main fabrics of the Nigerian society, the way people steal money is mind boggling, it affects every segment of the society it does not matter which party you belong to” The Rt Rev Professor Andrew Olu Igenoza Rector of Crowther Graduate Theological seminary Abeokuta in Ogun State gave this view in his sermon at the opening service of the 3rd session of the 9th Synod holding at the All Saints Church Wuse Zone 5 Abuja.
Bishop Igenoza speaking on the Theme of the Synod “The Poverty of Riches” said whereas Nigeria is richly endowed with mineral and material Resources yet they are spiritually poor. According to the erudite Scholar and cleric, if all Christians live upright life Nigeria will be a different place.
The Rt Rev Igenoza who quoted profusely from the Bible to support his standpoint said that what happened in the days of yore in Laodecia in sharp business practices is reigning supreme in Nigeria today.He said material wealth cannot be equated with spiritual wealth.
He urged Christians to become rich in faith, works of gratitude and righteousness which he described as the real wealth.
He condemned in its entirety the modern day of preaching of prosperity gospel adding that they got it all wrong. According to the professor, people can speak in tongues and still commit fraud adding that those who steal money shall suffer greatly unless they repent.
The guest preacher who showed his erudition in comparative analysis summed it up that there must be provision for the downtrodden, the have-nots the wretched of the earth.
The All Saints Church Wuse zone 5 Abuja the host of this year’s synod was full to the brim with people from all walks of life the bishops, members of the clergy and laity attending.The opening service of the 3rd session of the 9th synod was colorful, it was glorious.
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