- May 6, 2020

The Rt. Rev’d Timothy Yahaya, Bishop of Kaduna Anglican Diocese has debunked the misconception that a Christian would never encounter storms in life.
He made this known while he delivered his Sunday message at the Cathedral of St. Michael, Kaduna.
The Bishop observed that many believe that as Christians they would not experience any storm in life. This, he said, is not true, because it is written in the Bible that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them from it all.
Preaching on the topic, “My God is bigger than the storm”, Bishop Yahaya defined storm as whirlwinds of life and any disturbance to the natural order of life.
He said the whole world is passing through a storm, with the COVID-19 pandemic; and that this unfamiliar storm has overwhelmed world leaders and affected both great and small.
The Bishop of Kaduna Anglican Diocese pointed out that storms are a part of life, but how one reacts to it, is what matters. According to him, even when one is with Jesus, storms of life will come. He however added that the difference is that a child of God, who is in the will of God and is in the midst of a storm, has a God who is bigger than any storm.
Bishop Yahaya emphasized that Jesus Christ left His throne just to save mankind; explaining that God is still in the business of delivering mankind.
He remarked that many are crying with fear and worrying about COVID-19, but they are not praying. According to him, if man does not know what to do, God knows what to do. Thus, he charged believers to receive courage, because Jesus Christ is bigger than this storm.
The Rt. Rev’d Timothy Yahaya urged Christians to keep their eyes on Jesus and not on the storm. He said instead of fear, they should believe in the words of the Lord, Jesus Christ, who promised to never leave nor forsake them. He asserted that there is only one Saviour and He is bigger than the storm. Therefore, the Bishop declared that this storm of COVID-19 would not overwhelm God’s people.
He said, “We will be victorious over this storm and not be victims of COVID-19.”