- Ngozi Maduoma
- November 18, 2019

The Venerable Emmanuel Afamefuna, preacher for the Revival hour on day 3 of the DIVCCON programme began his message with the question, “Can someone the Lord loves so much be said to be sick?” He went ahead to answer the question, pointing out that any Christian who deviates from the ways of the Lord can be said to be sick. Speaking on the topic, “Lazarus come forth” the cleric said Lazarus stands for individuals, the nation and the church of God.
According to him, a nation that is so religious but denies the power of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost is a sick nation; and a nation where disunity and illegalities are upheld, where there is so much corruption, where destruction of lives and properties have become the order of the day is a very sick nation.
The Ven. Afamefuna added that the Church can also be said to be sick when she accepts practices and doctrines that are contrary to the words of Jesus, her foundation and becomes a Church filled with people who bear fruits contrary to the lifestyle of Jesus Christ.
He expressed displeasure at the fact that the Church has abandoned evangelism, soul winning and is now engaged in buying and selling. He said many men of God are frustrated in ministry and so they engage in all sorts of evil practices and thus lead the people astray. Therefore, he warned all involved in such practices to know that salvation and breakthrough can only come when one is truly a servant of Jesus Christ.
The Venerable used songs and hymns to buttress his point that God is the best friend anyone could have; because He is an ever present help in times of need. He said God is always on time, and that delay is not denial. Hence, he urged all experiencing pain and suffering to never feel that their situation is hopeless, because God would never abandon anyone who truly serves Him.
The revival hour was rounded off with a series of prayers and declarations, as delegates cried out to God to answer their prayers and change their situations.