- April 28, 2020

When all human efforts fail, faith in Jesus Christ can never fail.
This was the crux of the Sunday message delivered by the Rt. Rev’d Duke Akamisoko, Bishop of Kubwa Anglican Diocese at St. Bartholomew’s Cathedral, Kubwa, Abuja.
Bishop Akamisoko who spoke on the topic, “Have faith in God” noted that people are living in a very critical time in Nigeria and all over the world; a time when faith, which is the believer’s weapon of war needs to be preached over and over again.
He said coronavirus has brought fear and death in Nigeria and around the world; adding that, Christians must remind themselves that God has given them all they need to be victorious over any battle.
According to him, “One sure way to have victory over any battle is to fight that battle with faith.”
Therefore, Bishop Akamisoko asserted that Nigerians and people all over the world could be healed from covid-19 by faith in the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ and in His word, which states that by His stripes they are healed.
Quoting copiously from the Bible, the Bishop cited several examples of individuals who were healed because of their faith, including the paralytic man and the woman with the issue of blood.
He stressed that this is the time for Christians to increase their faith and not doubt God; urging them to apply themselves to the word of God, because faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.
The Bishop of Kubwa Diocese challenged all to listen to the word of God more than they listened to the news on radio and television. He said they should meditate more on the word of God than on newspapers.
He remarked that the believer must read and speak the word of God, for that is the believer’s source of victory.
Bishop Akamisoko said, “The word of God is our instrument of war at this time, therefore it must not be far from us.”
The preacher argued that Christians must speak to every challenging situation, with the word of God; pointing out that they are to speak against coronavirus, all forms of sickness and financial lack.
He acknowledged the importance of observing all the hygienic instructions, including social distancing. He however pointed out that declaring the word of God is also vital for a believer. The cleric said just as people have been instructed to wash their hands and keep it clean, God also expects their hands to be pure.
The Bishop advised Christians not to speak negatively, but believe in the word of God and declare it over their situation. He said believers are not to be silent or run away from mountains, but rather they are to contend with it and defeat it in the name of Jesus.
Thus, he declared that COVID-19 would crumble in the name of Jesus; stating that as one speaks, the heavens are open to bring it to pass in one’s life. He emphasized that the word of God is still true and thus, it should not be forgotten during these times.
Bishop Akamisoko said, “Don’t give up on the word of God, because it is alive and it will give us victory.”
He highlighted the different levels of faith; noting that no matter how little a person’s faith is, it can do wonders. Nevertheless, he enjoined Christians with little faith to continue to increase their faith with the knowledge of the word of God.
The Bishop charged Christians to refuse to give up, until they have their victory; adding that, no matter the situation, a man who has faith would never give up until his desires are met.
The Rt Rev’d Duke Akamisoko urged believers not to lose hope, regardless of the situation in the county, but apply themselves to the word of God. He encouraged them to use the word of God, rely on it, speak it and discuss it with those who share and continue to analyse bad situations in the country. He concluded that many persons today are ignoranst about the word of God and so, Christians must let them know that God is alive and He has power over every situation.