- Korede Akintunde
- June 3, 2023

Election or Selection: Theological Appraisal of Elections in Nigeria.
Nigeria in its history of existence as an independent nation has witnessed elections anchored by both the military and civilian governments. It is in its fourth republic and the blame or praises are shared by both the military and civilian governments that have ruled so far. Since it became a republic in 1963 the fourth republic which started on May 29, 1999, and continues till date is so far the longest and uninterrupted by the military, as the military took hold of the nation’s governance between 1966 to 1999 except for the years between 1979-1983. The military cannot be solely blamed for their long stay in the corridors of power in Nigeria since independence because of the misdemeanor of the civilians with power. This made the nation suffer serious political instability that it has not recovered completely from its effect. Some of the reasons for instability include economic mismanagement and embezzlement of public funds, election malpractices, blatant disregard for the constitution and the rule of law, tribalism, nepotism, and regionalism, disagreement on the ratio for sharing of revenue, baseless religious fanaticism and intolerance, corruption, power grabbers and sit-tight emperors, falsified census figures, hard economic conditions and unemployment, foreign interference, selfishness, greed, and destructive tendencies of some leaders, etc. Nigeria as a republic is expected to perform as a government that is by the majority, which is democracy, the absence of monarchy which entails the election of its leaders, and the rule of law which guides and protects the citizens from the abuses of leaders who would want to rule based on their whims and caprices. As far as Nigeria’s constitution, 1999 as amended on the leadership and governance is concerned, election is the only means through which individuals can come to power at the national, state, and local governments leadership. It was an aberration and still is to get to the leadership of these tiers of government through a coup as the military had done previously, or through military fiat, violence, or any other undemocratic means such as selection. To this effect, the topic of this lecture needs to be clarified to remove ambiguity, especially on the use of the word “selection.”
- President Olusegun Obasanjo of PDP (May 29, 1999 – May 29, 2007 – two terms);
- President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua of PDP (May 29, 2007 – May 5, 2010);
- Goodluck Jonathan – acting President of PDP (May 6, 2010. May 29, 2011); President Goodluck Jonathan of PDP (May 29, 2011 – May 29, 2015);
- President Muhammadu Buhari of APC (May 29, 2015 – May 29, 2023 – two terms);
- and currently President Bola Ahmed Tinubu of APC (May 29, 2023 – date).