- Korede Akintunde
- June 27, 2023

[This note was inspired by the Bible Study Facilitator at All Saints Church, Wuse Zone 5, Abuja. who started the study by pointing out the characteristics of the Drone Bees as an introduction in discussing the topic Busy Bodies – 2 Thess. 3:11-14.]
Drone Bees are bees which are all Male – no female drone. They are larger than worker bees but not the queen bees, have short lifespan – (90 days maximum), are not many in number and mate only with the Queen Bee and afterwards die or they are killed by the Worker Bee. Furthermore, they are expelled – from the hive to conserve resources. The below are striking characteristics of Drone Bees that Christians must avoid and not indulge otherwise we are not different from the drone bee but a busy body (see 1 Timothy 5:13).
- Drone Bees do not sting. They can be likened to a defenceless Christians who cannot fight against false teachers and false teaching. These Christians are vulnerable and are easily swept away by all kinds of wind of doctrines (Eph. 4:14).
- Drone Bees do not work profitably. They can be likened to Christians who do not contribute to the building of the body of Christ. They are lazy and layabouts persons whose sole engagement in the Church is to speak ill and criticize in an ungodly manner whatever anyone is doing in the body of Christ (Neh. 3:5; 4:3).
- Drone Bees are consumers not producers. They can be likened to those who contribute nothing to the body of Christ except to take away and consume. They are not willing to give in support of God’s work or volunteer to carry assignments in the Church (see1 Thess. 4:11).
- Drone Bees are Noisy – buzzing. They can be likened to Christians who speak unedifying words unguardedly and kill instead of giving life by their speeches (1 Tim. 6:20; 2 Tim. 2:23; Tit. 3:9).
Who is this Christian that is struggling to be a Drone Bee instead of one made in the image of God, redeemed and transformed by Christ in Christ? If the above is your characteristics then you are not the life God designed for you. Why living a useless life when you are created and saved to be useful?
I invite you to seek how to live from God’s Word and live meaningfully. Be not lazy and a busy body.
The LORD be with you.