- Ngozi Maduoma
- November 18, 2019

The Rt. Revd. Prof Alfred Olwa, Bishop of the Diocese of Lango in Uganda has asked Christians to stop running from one place to the other because they want to see the power of God at work. Speaking on “The victory that overcomes the world, even our faith” on the third day of the ongoing Divine Commonwealth Conference (DIVCCON) held at the National Christian Centre, Abuja, the Bishop stated that everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world; he therefore charged believers to keep their eyes on Jesus because anyone who looks away from Him will fail.
He lamented that some Christians were living defeated lives while many others worked by sight when they ought to work by faith; this, according to him is the reason many do not experience the power of God in their lives. Bishop Olwa called on Christians to cast all their cares on the Lord, and not spend time worrying; because it discredits their faith in Christ Jesus. He said a victorious Christian life is a life that bears fruit, a life of power, a life that is subject to God, armed with the armour of God and a life dominated by the spirit of God.
The Bishop of Lango Diocese stressed that only those who are born of God can overcome the world. He therefore called on all who were yet to give their lives to Jesus Christ to do so, explaining that that was the only way anyone could serve Him.
Sharing personal testimonies of how God granted him victory from turbulent situations, Bishop Olwa encouraged all experiencing hard times to hold on to the word of God and know that God has called them to be overcomers. The preacher debunked the misconception that when one gives one’s life to Christ, all one’s problems go away; stating that more challenging problems may come, stressing that those who trust in the Lord shall overcome. He quoted profusely from the scriptures, pointing out that God who cannot lie, or change his promise will always be with His children, even till the end of age.
He said, “We have a God who cannot lie, who does not change His mind; therefore His promises are true and eternal.”
The clergy man said he was overjoyed to be at this year’s DIVCCON and urged the Church of Nigeria, as well as Christians in Nigeria to continue to spread the authentic gospel of Christ and to go all out for God through establishing churches all over the world.