• Adesewa Orioye
  • May 7, 2024

The Diocesan Communicators and Media Officers Conference brought together for the first time a diverse group of communications professionals from across the Diocese to share best practice, discuss challenges, and explore innovative approaches to communicating the church’s message.
The conference took place on Saturday 4th May, 2024 at Chapel of Grace Bishop’s Court, Nnewi. With the Theme; “The Media as a tool in Actualizing the great Commission”

Ven. Godfry Mortanya (Clerical Synod Secretary) delivered an inspiring address on “The Media Communicator; “Leadership, Spirituality, Accountability and Diligence Service (LSADS)” he said that by embracing LSADS, the Diocesan communicators and media officers can enhance their leadership and communication skills.
“Integrate spirituality and values into their work. Ensure accountability and transparency in their communication efforts.
“Strive for excellence and diligence in their communication initiative which will ultimately strengthen the effectiveness and impact of their communication effort, serving the Diocese and the church with excellence and faithfulness.

The Editor in chief DONAC PILOT Newspaper, Rev’d canon Chibuzo Odunukwe shared insights on “Understanding the responsibility and challenges of news writing”, he said, “As news writers, you play a vital role in shaping the narrative of our Diocese and the Church.
“Your words have the power to inspire, inform and influence the community with this privilege comes great responsibility and challenges. Let us embrace these challenges together.
“Remember, your writing has the power to build up or tear down. Let us strive to use our words to inspire, educate, and serve the Church and Our communities with integrity, compassion, and excellence.”
A practical workshop on producing media content using phones was handled by one of the Diocesan media officer Mr. Goodwin, John who provides practical tips on creating engaging content.
He highlighted on the “media relations and crisis communications” explored strategies for building relationships with local media outlets and managing crisis situations.
“Social Media Bootcamp” offered hands on training on maximizing social media platforms for ministry and outreach.
“Canva” a popular graphic design platform that offers a wide range of functions and tools for creating professional-looking designs, graphics and documents.

Ven. Dr. Ugochukwu Okafor, shared insights on “Utilizing ICT for mission and Evangelism: Importance of unity of Nnewi diocesan Media officers”, he said, “As we strive to spread the good news and fulfill our mission, let us embrace the power of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to enhance our evangelization efforts.

The Bishop of Nnewi Diocese Anglican Communion, Rt. Rev’d Ndubuisi chukwuka Obi (JP) encouraged the communicators and media officer. He said, “I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for your tireless efforts. Your dedication to communicating the message of hope, faith and charity is a vital ministry in our Diocese.
“In a word where technology and media shape our perceptions and understanding, your role is crucial in sharing the Gospel narrative. You are the messengers of God’s love, using your talents and skills to inspire, educate, and connect our community.
“Remember, your work is not just about conveying information; it’s about sharing the transformative power of Christ’s message. As you continue to serve our Diocese, I encouraged you to know that you are not alone in this mission.
“You have the support of our Diocese, our clergy, and our people. Most importantly, you have the guidance and grace of the Holy Spirit.
A panel of experienced communicators shared their experiences and advice on “Overcoming communication challenges in the Diocese.”

A discussion on “The future of Church communications” explored emerging trends and technologies.
Delegates had ample time for networking, sharing ideas, and building relationships with fellow communicators and media officers.

In conclusion, the conference provided a valuable opportunity for Diocesan communicators and media officers to come together, learn from each other, and be inspired to effectively share the Church’s message with the world. The insights, skills, and connections gained will undoubtedly enhance the church’s communication efforts in the years to come.

Podcast Series for the week