- April 20, 2020

The Rt. Rev’d Joseph Olusola, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Ijesha North-East has coined a new meaning for the acronym COVID-19. He opined that it is “Christ Over Virus Infection and Diseases.”
The Bishop, who made this known in an online broadcast on one of the social media platforms, noted that it was no longer news that the coronavirus is ravaging the world. He added that times like this called for sober reflection.
The Bishop of Ijesha North-East urged Christians not to fear, but recognize that there is a God in the affairs of men. He highlighted God’s promise in the Bible that not a strand of man’s hair would fall off without His knowledge to buttress his point that God is aware of what man is passing through.
He remarked that God’s message to believers is that they should be strong and courageous in these times, knowing that God is always there for them.
Bishop Olusola charged Christians to run to God, whom he described as a mighty tower and a very present help in times of need. He pointed out that this is the time for Christians to make God their place of refuge and when they must look up to Him, because He is the One who is able to deliver them from evil.
He stressed that God is calling on believers to recognize Him as their help and place of refuge, because as they do so, He would deliver them.
The cleric charged believers to look up to Jesus as they pass through this season and keep their eyes on Him.
He said Jesus is calling on the entire world to come to Him, so that He would give them rest.
The Rt. Rev’d Joseph Olusola concluded his message with an admonition to Christians not to be afraid of what is killing others, because they would not die, but live to fulfill their purpose on earth.