• Adesewa Orioye
  • May 24, 2024


We are created to dominate. When all things fail, God cannot fail, so ride on the wings and shadow
of the Almighty.
Whereas, the 1st session of the 9th Synod was held under the leading and protection of the Almighty
God with the Theme “DIVINE INCREASE AND DOMINION” (Genesis 1:28). It was presided
over by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese and President of Synod, His Lordship the Rt. Dr. Nixon
Akpotunumubofa Enekeme and his amiable wife Dr. (Mrs.) Ayebatari Blessed Enekeme, the
President of Mother’s Union and Women’s Guild and Daughter ‘s of Hope. By the grace of God,
Rt. Rev. Dr. Chigozirim U. Onyegbule from the Diocese of Ikwuano was the Guest Preacher.
Synod admired that the theme of this year’s Synod “DIVINE INCREASE AND DOMINION”
(Genesis 1:28) was an offshoot of the 2023 theme “CHRIST IS OUR CORNER STONE” (Eph.
2:19-22) with this thought provoking theme of 2024, Synod had an indebt and systematic study
of the Bible ably handled by Evang. Mrs. Rita Oparah as the Bible study Leader.

Whereas, on arrival, His Lordship the Rt. Rev. Dr. Nixon Akpotunumubofa Enekeme and his
entourage paid a courtesy call on HRM, King Alfred Papapreye Diete Spiff CFR, DF Seriyai
II , Amanyanabo of Twon-Brass Kingdom.
AND Whereas, in attendance were the Lord Bishop and President of Synod, Rt. Rev’d Dr. Nixon
A. Enekeme, his wife Dr.(Mrs.) Ayebatari Blessed Enekeme, the chancellor Prof. Barr. Biobele
Louis Nyananyo, Diocesan officials, the clergy, Synod delegates of the Diocese and other
esteemed dignitaries. The synod was properly constituted, with the house of Bishop (1), House of
clergy 65, House of Laity 159. We had six goodwill messages from six Dioceses.
The synod having extensively listened with keen interest the exposition, bible studies and
teachings on the theme of the 1st session of the 9th synod, “DIVINE INCREASE AND
DOMINION “ ( Genesis 1: 28 ), arrived at the following:

  1. Synod believed that the blessings of God are so powerful to close limitation and bring,
    flavor to one’s life, customized, locational, generational and cannot be quantified. That you
    must know the Lord, be a covenant child, honour your parents, have faith in Gods promises
    and be humble always to receive divine increase and dominion.
  2. Synod informed that to be fruitful, one should have outstanding results, be a vessel of
    honour and not to be stagnant in life. Hence, we should be faithful in evangelism, in doing
    good and having innovations with good mental ideas.
  3. Synod concluded that God created us with the capacity to increase and dominate with no
    room for stagnation. This divine increase therefore is unlimited and that we should increase
    on all sides, such as grace, peace, anointing, finances, love, business, wisdom, faith and
    knowledge on the word of God. Encouraged us not to be lazy, ignorant of the word of God,
    join wrong company, be patient and live a curse free life.
  4. Synod agreed that for anyone to increase and dominate the following keys are to be acquired
    including; Knowledge or wisdom ( Hos. 4:6), giving ( Gen 22:1-18), humility (Phil 2:8-
    11), help ministry (Gen. 1:26-28), Revelation (2Kg. 6:12), Power words (Luke 4:32; 21:15 ),
    the grace you carry (Rom 5: 17; Acts 4:33), Sacrifice ( Math 17: 21, Eph. 5:2).
  5. Synod frowns at the nuisances of BOYSM Syndrome – (Godfatherism) in the church and the society at large, as it affect the lives and work of those in question. Henceforth, that terminology of BOYSM should not be used among clergy in the Diocese as it amounts to enslaving and low self-esteem of those affected.
  6. Synod has resolved that hence forth children and youth harvest should be separated and organized differently but the proceeds realized belong to the church.
  7. Synod has resolved that the Pastors and members of stations, Parishes, Deaneries and Archdeaconries are urged as a matter of priority to do all printing jobs at the Diocesan printing press to enhance the financial status of the Diocese.
  8. Synod approves the creation of Yenagoa West Archdeaconry comprising of four parishes out of the existing old Yenagoa Archdeaconry.
  9. Synod also approved the creation of Atisssa parish, comprising of two stations from the
    existing Yenagoa Archdeaconry namely St. John’s Church Obogoro and St. Clement’s
    Church Famgbe with St. John’s church Obogoro as the Parish Headquarter.
  10. Synod commended various stations and parishes that sponsored youths to attend the 2024
    Joshua Generation International Youth Conference in Abuja and encouraged them and other
    stations to do more in subsequent years by the grace of God.
  11. Synod congratulates His Excellency Senator Douye Diri and Senator Dr. Lawrence
    Ewhrudjakpo, for their successful election and swearing in as Governor and Deputy –
    Governor of Bayelsa State in their second term in offices and called on them and all those
    elected and appointed not to disappoint the citizenry while praying for them to succeed and
    remain calm and focused.
  12. Synod applauds the Bayelsa State Government for their recorded infrastructural
    developmental strides in the state including the Igbogene –AIT road while urging the
    government to complete on-going construction of the roads from Nembe – Brass, EkeremoAgge, Oporoma – Ukubie – koluama so that development can get to the hinterlands.
  13. Synod therefore encouraged the Governor of Bayelsa State, His Excellency, Sen. Douye
    Diri and his Deputy to maintain the peaceful environment in the state to attract more
    meaningful investment and development.
  14. Synod frowned at the unabated level of insecurity in our nation Nigeria and called on Mr.
    President Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu to urgently spring into action, take drastic steps to
    curb and minimize if not eradicate the menace and alleviate the sufferings / hardship faced
    by Nigerians, to fulfill his renewed hope agenda.
  15. Synod commends the National Assembly for their effort to birthing a New Nigeria by
    having a new constitution. However, they are urged to have a “totally New Civilian
    constitution made by a sovereign representation of the ethnic Nationalities of the country.
  16. Synod called on the Federal Government not to be partial in their governance but ensure
    that justice, equity and equality of citizens and true democracy practiced daily for the survival of the nation.

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