• Adesewa Orioye
  • May 27, 2024

INTRODUCTION: The 1st Session of the 9th Synod of the Diocese of Lagos West (Anglican Communion) held from Thursday 16th of May to Sunday 19th of May, 2024 at the Archbishop Vining Memorial Church Cathedral, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and was presided over by the Rt. Rev. Dr. James Olusola Odedeji, Bishop, Diocese of Lagos West.

The Theme of the Synod is “FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH”. 1st Timothy 6:12.


            Having studied and analysed the theme:-

(a)       Synod observes that it is a clarion call and challenge to Christians to defend and hold on to their father in Christ Jesus.

(b)       Synod recognises that the fight is against pervasive pagan influence, persecution of Christians, oppositions and false teachings which led Apostle Paul to issue the admonition in 1st Timothy 6:12.

(c)       Synod notes that the battle is spiritual and not physical.

(d)       Synod recognizes that the motive for the fight must be good, and not selfish and requires personal dedication, commitment, undivided loyalty and faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ.

(e)       Synod observes that a good fight of faith is enriched with heavenly benefits, love, peace, joy, kindness, righteousness, and eternal life.

(f)        Synod notes that the battle requires prayer, fasting, knowledge of the word of God, perseverance, self-denial, boldness and courage.

(g)       Synod points out that a good fight of faith is necessary for every believer in Jesus Christ.

(h)       Synod notes that to be victorious in the combat, Christians must put on the whole armour of God.

(i)        Synod therefore admonishes Christians to flee from evil, pursue righteousness and to lay hold on the gift of eternal life.



(a)       Synod is grateful to God for the rapid growth of the Diocese within her 25 years of existence.


(b)       Synod commends the Diocese for her efforts in Youth Empowerment and lauds the establishment of a Youth Skill Acquisition Institute.

(c)       Synod applauds the progress made in the Diocesan Primary and Secondary Schools mostly in the provision of modern facilities.

(d)       Synod is happy with the educational advancements of the Priests and commends the Diocese for their training and retraining.

(e)       Synod encourages Priests and Parishioners to take care of their health by eating healthy and exercising.

(f)        Synod applauds the Diocesan evangelistic outreaches.

(g)       Synod congratulates the Women’s Oranisation ably led by Dr. (Mrs) Lydia Olukemi Odedeji for their efforts in supporting the Diocese through their educational and medical outreaches, training of young women and infrastructural development.


            A.        2023 General Election

(a)       Synod thanks God that the elections held despite the initial tensions and lauds the post-elections hitch free inauguration of the new administrations at the Federal and State levels on 29th May, 2023.

(b)       Synod encourages the government at all levels to accommodate more of the younger generation in governance.

            B.        Economy

(a)       Synod identifies the hasty removal of fuel subsidy as one of the major causes of economic downturn in the Country. Synod, therefore, recommends that the authorities should articulate measures to ameliorate the biting impact of the removal on the populace.

(b)       Synod commends the measure of sanity that government has introduced in its monetary policy and observes that the efforts have so far improved the finance sector while the impact is yet to be felt by the citizenry.

(c)       Synod notes that the existing tax laws favour the rich and therefore encourages review of the tax laws in such a way that the rich pay more tax.

(d)       In view of the high population growth rate in the country, Synod advocates increase in the production of goods and


encourages entrepreneurship. Furthermore, Synod supports patronising Made in Nigeria goods.

(e)       Synod observes with concern that the incessant clashes between herders and farmers have drastically affected food production in the country. Synod therefore encourages:-

(i)        The government to boldly tackle these clashes to enhance food production in the country.

(ii)       The building of silos to help farmers in the preservation of their Agricultural products and the reintroduction of Marketing Boards to regulate product pricing.

(iii)     Synod laments the high cost of governance in the executive and legislative arms, and suggests that ministries, departments and agencies that perform similar functions be collapsed to save cost.

            C.        Security

(a)       Synod decries the escalating insecurity in the country with the uncontrollable state of kidnapping, insurgency and terrorism and urges the government to tackle them squarely.

(b)       Synod is disturbed by the spate of agitations for regional autonomy, and admonishes the government to:-

(i)        adopt the recommendations of the 2014 National Conference Report to address the issue which have taken a dangerous dimension lately.

(ii)       consider the discontinuation of the detention and prosecution of the leader of IPOB to pave way for a round table discussion.

            D.        Education

                        Synod lauds the Tinubu administration for putting a round peg in a round hole by the appointment of the Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, SAN. Synod observes with joy the various reforms he has brought in the education sector which includes the loan scheme for the indigent students and the war against substandard degrees.

            E.        Power Sector

(a)       Synod finds unacceptable, that despite government’s huge investment in electricity generation and distribution, most Nigerians are yet to enjoy uninterrupted power supply.


(b)       Synod frowns at the recent increase in electricity tariff and calls on government to be more sensitive to the hue and cry of the populace.

(c)       Synod urges government to also address the issue of gas scarcity in a country that produces gas.

            F.        Health

Synod denounces the deplorable state of the health sector and challenges governments to improve the health sector to stem medical tourism.

            H.       Lagos State

(a)       Synod recognizes that Lagos State is the commercial nerve centre of Nigeria and congratulates the serving Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, and indeed all the past Governors for taking advantage of the strategic position of the State and growing its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to become the largest contributor to the country’s GDP and the 7th in Africa.

(b)       Synod recognizes that the same party has held fort in the State since 1999 which has led to the continuity of agenda and projects in the State.

(c)       Synod lauds the efforts of the State Government in the transportation sector, which includes the construction and repairs of roads, and the establishment of the blue and red rail lines which has helped to ease the movement of people and goods around the State.

(d)       Synod commends the State Government for being sensitive to the current plight of the citizens especially by the establishment of food markets on Sundays and care for the elderly among others.

(e)       Synod admonishes the State Government to spread these projects to all parts of the State especially as regards road repairs.

            I.         The World Today

(a)       Synod is worried about the growing instability and wars all over the world.

(b)       Synod notes with grave concern the protracted Russian and Ukraine war and the raging Hamas war with Israel.


(c)       Synod therefore admonishes the world powers to pursue peace, decelerate these conflicts and be more sensitive to humanity.


Arise and defend your faith, Satan is an enemy of your soul. Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life. 1st Timothy 6: 12.

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