- Adesewa Orioye
- July 3, 2024

WHEREAS, the Diocese of llesa, (Anglican Communion) holds her Synod annually, hence the 2nd Session of the 17th Synod of the Diocese held at the Heritage City and the Cathedral of St. John lloro, llesa under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and led by the President of the Synod and Bishop of the Diocese, his Lordship, the Rt. Rev. Prof. Dapo F. Asaju.
Whereas, in attendance were the wife of the Bishop and the President of the Women’s and Girls’ Organisation, Barrister Mrs. Harriet Seun Dapo Asaju, Diocesan Officials, the Honourable Members of House of Clergy, Distinguished members of House of Laity, and other dignitaries. The Synod was constitutionally constituted.
AND WHEREAS, the Synod deliberated on the theme, DIVINE JUBILEE: God’s Plan for Freedom and Transformation of the World, Lev.25″10a and featured Holy Communion Services, Bible studies, Prayers, Plenary Sessions and the presentation of the Presidential Address (Bishop’s Charge).
READ ALSO:- https://anglican-nig.org/communique-diocese-of-kaduna-2024-synod/
The Synod is a landmark Synod, being the year of our Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration as a Diocese. It is therefore, the year of our glorious Jubilee. The Diocese was inaugurated on the 2nd of November, 1974.
The Synod appreciates through his Lordship all the previous Bishops of llesa Diocese namely, Rt. Rev. John A. Falope (with Mama Sophie Falope, of blessed memory), Rt. Rev. Dr. Gideon Olajide (with Mrs. Esther Olajide), Rt. Rev. (now Most Rev) Dr Ephraim Adebola Ademowo (with Mama Oluranti Ademowo) and Rt. Rev. Dr Samuel Olubayo Sowale (with Mrs. Morenike Sowale).
Synod also appreciates the presence and roles of:
- The Legal luminaries led by the Chancellor of llesa Diocese, Chief Felix Fagbohungbe, SAN.
- The Planning Committee of the Synod under the Chairmanship of Evang. Emmanuel Famakinwa.
- The Bishop’s wife, Barrister ‘Seun Asaju(Mama llesa), the President of Girls’ and Women’s Organisations of llesa Diocese.
- His Grace, Most Rev. Dr Ephraim Adebola Ademowo, OON and Mama Oluranti Ademowo
- Most Rev. Dr Olusegun Adeyemi retired Archbishop of the Province of Kwara and former Bishop of the Diocese of Kwara (with Mama Grace Adeyemi)
- Rt. Rev. Dr James Olusola Odedeji, the Lord Bishop of Diocese of Lagos West
- Her Excellency, Princess Adejoke Orelope Adefulire, the former Deputy Governor of Lagos State and the SSA to the President on Sustainable Development Goals
- Prince Samson Ataiyero, the Baba ljo of the Cathedral of St. John lloro, llesa
- The Clergy, Clergy wives and Laity.
- All families (as reflected on pages 10-13 of the Synod Charge) that contributed to the developmental growth of the Anglican Heritage City in putting up 21st Century Edifice structures and superstructures by way of immortalizing the names of their respective families.
- All workers, who are responsible for supervising all projects ongoing at the Heritage City namely – Ven. Akinlolu Ajayi, Ven. Amos Adeniji, Very Rev. Akintunde Fademi, Architect Oluwatominiyi Jogbodo, Ven. Amos Ajadi and Rev. Canon Gabriel Adebayo.
- The membership of the 50th Anniversary Committee of the Diocese of llesa under the leadership of the Chairman, Very Rev. David lyiola Fadugba.
The theme of the Synod, which is the subject of our Bible study and deliberations, is on DIVINE JUBILEE. This was informed by the fact that this year is the 50th Anniversary of llesa Diocese. It makes it desirable for our freedom from different bondages which afflict Nigerian people and the world at large.
“Jubilee” derives from the Hebrew word yore/, (Ram’s horn depicting the blowing of the horn signaling release) describing the practice whereby on attaining a set number of years, debt slaves are freed. The Hebrew Bible prescribes Jubilee (every 50th year) and the Sabbatical year (every Seventh year) as commandments concerning ownership of land and slaves.
The celebration of the jubilee year also included:
- The restitution of debts
- The remission of debts
- The liberation of slaves and
- “rest” for the land which was to be left fallow during jubilee year.
In the New Testament, Jesus present himself as the one who brings the Old Jubilee to completion because he has come to “Preach the year of the Lord’s favour (Luke 4:18-19, ls.61:1-2). Leviticus 25:8-55 describes the festival’s three basic features as follows:
First, as in the Sabbath year (Lev.25:2-7) the land was to be fallow. The people were not to farm the land but were to eat what they grow naturally. Both people and land should enjoy their release.
Second, all Hebrew slaves were to go free. The law allowed poor people to become slaves to pay their debts. Owners were to treat their Hebrew slaves kindly. All slaves were to be freed in the year of jubilee.
Third, the land reverted to its original owners. The practice ensured that no citizen would remain poor or a slave forever.
The Diocesan in his charge, emphasized that Yahweh was very conscious of the necessity to protect vulnerable persons in society, hence he made adequate provisions in the Torah(Mosaic Law) to this effect, He protected the interests of slaves, widows, orphans and way-fairers.
He further stated that Divine Jubilee refers to when God initiates and executes the necessary freedom of people. Christians are raised by God to be problem-solvers in the society. Christianity advocates freedom from all types of oppressions, enslavement and corruption of humanity.
In the African context, after many years of trans Atlantic slave trade, God used William Wilberforce and the Clapham Sect group of young but passionate Christians to fight for the abolition of slave trade and promoted the Missionary Evangelization of the dark continent of Africa. When eventually Colonialism set in, following the 1845 Berlin conference, which partitioned Africa, it look vigorous efforts by both the church and individual Christian political leaders, to agitate for decolonization and independence of African nations.
Almost all African countries still remain poor and underdeveloped today in spite of their independence. The effect of colonialism still linger as foreign countries still control, exploit and dominate natural resources of African communities. In ljesaland, the exploitation of gold deposits are being done by the foreigners without corresponding and commensurate development of host communities. The villages where mining are going on lack basic infrastructure and amenities that can transform the communities.
Conclusively, in view of the reality of all forms of bondage holding people down from true freedom all over the world, there is the need for divine jubilee which could be achieved through vigorous prayers for God’s intervention in saving mankind from all forms of evil and failures.
We need economic freedom from bondage of bad and inhuman policies made by successive governments. The political parties and their rich patrons have seized apparatuses of government as well as the electioneering process. Many Nigerians do not have confidence anymore that their votes count at elections. Worse still, the whole electioneering systems have been monetized to the detriment of the electorates.
The church as a body has a great role to play as agents of change by speaking against sin and evil in the land and preach peace, repentance and holiness. There is the need to deemphasize the popular ‘gospel of prosperity’ and ‘cheap grace’ advising people to change their lifestyles and sinful ways.
The people of Nigeria are currently experiencing un-precedented magnitude of sufferings and poverty arising from the economic policies of the present government. Scarcity of foodstuffs, high inflationary rate, unemployment and underemployment of youths have contributed to many dying untimely, many diseases claimed human lives as effective healthcare is very expensive for the poor people to afford. Many people have
become beggars for food, while in some parts of the country many wives and daughters have been forced into prostitution in order to earn income for their families to feed themselves.
The sudden removal of fuel subsidy and other harsh economic policies of government have shown that the low class society in Nigeria has a very long way to go in attaining true jubilee. The ruling political party, has failed the people of Nigeria, since the tenure of President Mohamed Buhari till date, showing that they lack the capacity, character and competence to solve many of Nigerians problems. The other political parties are not better either. During the period when representatives took charge of the administration of the Federal and State Government they also were enmeshed in corruption and failure to the extent that Nigeria almost became a failed State.
Nigeria people should urgently consider returning to agriculture as main stay of our economy and shun dependency on monolithic (oil) economy.
The elders of the various nations within Nigeria, including church leaders, should organize a major conference to discuss the Nigeria question and come up with viable recommendations on how to restructure this country in a manner that will ensure peace, equity, federalism and less expensive system of government. The government should reconsider parliamentary system of government as against the very expensive presidential system of government.
The term of office of the President/Prime Minister should be limited to one term of five years and posts should be made rotational constitutionally among the ethnic groups in the country. The police and some other para military sectors should devolve to the States.
There is a need to have a major constitutional conference of “Brains of Nigeria” in every sector, to rethink each sector and profession by finding solutions to the problems of each sector and recommending how the country can stop corruption, create employment and make progress in all sectors of the economy viz education, healthcare, security, employment, housing, security to mention a few.
The Church leaders should wake-up from their slumber and assume their roles as watchmen over all affairs of Nigeria.
We should all pray and work towards the peace and unity of Nigeria.
The message of the pulpits must now change. The prosperity syndrome must change to preaching good governance devoid of corruption and pave way egalitarian society.
We need to avoid war at all cost. It does no one any good. It opens doors for Satan to exploit.
Compiled and arranged by the Diocesan Communicator, Mr. Taiwo Adeoye.