• Adesewa Orioye
  • July 2, 2024



The First Session of the Sixth Synod of the Diocese of Amichi (Anglican Communion) with the theme: “Idolatry: Causes, Consequences, and Cure” (Exodus 32) was held from Thursday 6th to Sunday 9th of June 2024 at Immanuel Anglican Church, Ekwulumili in Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State under the Divine guidance of the Holy Spirit and the visionary leadership of the President of the Synod, The Rt. Revd. Ephraim O. Ikeakor, the Bishop, Diocese of Amichi.

At the end of the deliberations, the following Communique were taken: The Synod commends the President of the Synod for the great achievement he made in the Synod year under review; The dedication of Medical Clinics and receiving of Hospital equipment donated by the SECHUWARIIS Foundations worth hundreds of millions of naira. These include: The Dialysis Centre and four Dialysis Machines, The Eye Clinic and Ultra-Modern well-furnished Eye Theatre with modern machines, the maternity ward and some incubators. At the College of Nursing Sciences Amichi: The 6th Matriculation and Capping ceremony of 76 students for Basic Nursing programme, and 100 students for Basic Midwifery. Giving out quarter bags of rice each to 600 widows and indigent members of the Diocese during the Christmas Widows’ Party; Dedication of Ultra-modern Church building of St Stephen’s Church Osumenyi, dedication of Vicarage at St. Andrew’s Church Ebenator, the dedication of a new Borehole: with its overhead stanchion tanks. The 4th graduation ceremony of the College of Nursing Sciences Amichi with 67 Registered Nurses graduating; The building of a five- bedroom bungalow for one of the priests in the Diocese; The continuation of the Clergy Housing Scheme in the face of high economic crunch in Nigeria by empowering five priests in the Diocese with one million naira each to start building their own houses. Putting smiles in the faces of Clergy children in the Universities, by inviting them for a special meeting where twenty (26) of them smiled home with N100,000 (One Hundred thousand naira) each. Taking evangelism to Ezinifite in Nnewi South through a 3-day Prayer Crusade. The Synod is appreciative of these gestures and achievements and pray the Almighty God to keep and bless His Lordship the more in Jesus name. Amen.


The Synod wishes to rejoice with our fathers in God who were elevated in the Church of Nigeria. The Most Revd. Dr. Blessing Eyindah (Dean Church of Nigeria), The Most Revd. Dr. Michael Fape (Archbishop of Lagos Province), The Most Revd. Timothy Yahaya (Archbishop of Kaduna Province), The Rt Revd. Collins O. Babalola, The Rt Revd. Festus Nwafili, Rt. Revd. Ifedola Okupevi and The Rt. Revd. Ebenezar Saiki, The Rt. Revd. Ikechukwu Egbonu, The Rt. Revd. Nuhu Yohana, The Rt. Revd. Obaze T. Matthew and The Rt. Revd. Owen Ukafia (All were consecrated Bishops). The Synod is saying a hearty congratulations to you and may God bless your ministry in Jesus name. Amen.


The Synod hereby notes that unfortunately, though blessed with much material and human resources, Nigeria as a nation has a problem of leadership. Nigeria as a country has rulers and not leaders who are a bundle of selfish, wicked, insensitive and conscienceless businessmen and women masquerading as politicians. These politicians are feeding fat on the woes, sufferings and groanings of helpless citizens. The Synod therefore calls on these rulers to repent of their evil ways and rescind all the wicked policies they have put in place to milk the helpless citizens. Such policies include the hike in electricity tariff, increase in the pump price of fuel, etc.

The Synod frowns at the rigors of National Identification Number (NIN) and Biometric Registrations, which will enable the tracking of our cell phones, yet kidnappers use phones to negotiate ransom with families of victims but cannot be traced by our security and operators of these biometric companies.

The Synod does not understand why there are dilapidated roads, especially the federal highways yet this same government that cannot repair inland roads is embarking on construction of multi-billion naira coastal highway and about to conduct a national census with billions of naira while the inflation rate in the country is hitting the roof tops. The Government should forget this baseless and gainless proposal for census, and use the money to give meaningful and realistic minimum wage to her dying civil and public servants. The recent over 300% hike in electricity tariff, with no electricity still remains inexplicable puzzle. The Synod regrets that till date the President has not put in place any plan to cushion the hardship and strangulation the removal of oil subsidy has brought to Nigerians.

The Synod bemoans the high level of brain drain and mental exportation out of Nigeria. Our Youths are not just traveling out, they are fleeing the country. This is as a sign of a nation going into extinction.

The Synod encourages the Nigeria populace to brace up and brave up to hold her rulers and leaders accountable and responsible at all times.



The Synod commends the Governor of Anambra State for the wonderful game-changing flyover being constructed at Ekwulobia, but however notes that Anambra State, the once lights of the nation is gradually having her lights dimmed. The insecurity level in Anambra State is getting to a critical stage. Dare-devil kidnapping and targeted killings are going on daily even in the State capital and it appears nothing is being done to curb or curtail same. We therefore call on the security agencies and especially the State government to raise the bar of security higher and use the digital technology at our disposal to curb and also track down these criminals and save Anambra State from the obvious embarrassment this is causing Anambrarians all over the globe.

The Synod expresses a lot of worry over the activities of the over-zealous State government Revenue Collectors (a.k.a. Ndi Agbero), who harass, intimidate, embarrass and humiliate citizens particularly motorists in the State. There could be better ways to raise revenue of the State in this modern age and time. The Synod also calls on the State government to stop the recent discrimination against mission schools in the areas of recruitment and posting of qualified teachers, noting that whether mission owned or government owned, all are working for the betterment of education in Anambra State.


The theme of this First Session of the Sixth Synod of our Diocese is “IDOLATRY: CAUSES, CONSEQUENCES, AND CURE” (Exodus 32). Idolatry according to Easton’s Dictionary, is image-worship or divine honour paid to any created object.

From Exodus 32, Idolatry includes: replacing the Almighty God with small lifeless man-made gods; it is the despicable act of offering sacrifices, thanksgiving and appreciation to other gods rather than the God that created all things; Idolatry is worshipping in any other altar rather than altar of the living God. Idolatry is turning the holy house and sanctuary of the living God into a playing ground, fun seeking arena, house of comedy, and massaging sinful ego of sinners and unbelievers. The sin of Idolatry is in violation of the Law of God. As a matter of fact, it breaks the first two commandments in Exodus 20:1-6. Forms of idolatry include: Fetishism, Nature worship, Hero worship.

Causes of Idolatry are: Faith without conviction; Spiritual ignorance; Impatience; Spiritual leaders without spiritual focus; Rebellion; bandwagon spirit.

Idolatry is not without consequences. These consequences are: Rejection by God; Attraction of God’s anger and jealousy; Transgenerational curses; Loss of God’s presence; Sexual immorality and prostitution; Murder; Violent crimes and brutality; Stagnation and backwardness; Mysterious and inexplicable deaths; Dwindling support for church and the gospel; Man will become an enemy of God.

The Lord in His infinite mercies have provided cures for these maladies, which are: Returning to the Lord with sincere heart; Placing God’s word above traditions of men; Being filled with the Holy Spirit; Sound biblical teaching, and Intentional discipling of Church members.


The Synod therefore states categorically that idolatry is not our culture. Idolatry brings curses on the people and their lands. Men and women that have great passion for idols and idolatry are many in our churches today. The Pastors, Priests and Church Leaders must teach Church members the true meaning and doctrine of Christianity. This we must also do through our educational institutions. Darkness is choking the light in our generation; therefore, this is not the time to paint the Gospel of the Cross for sinners and idolaters to be comfortable in churches. This is the clarion call “Choose you this day, who you will serve”.


Ven. Henry O.R. Amobi                                   Lady Amaka Udogu Esq

Clerical Synod Secretary                       Chairman, Communique Committee

His Lordship, The Rt. Revd. Ephraim O. Ikeakor

Bishop, Diocese of Amichi

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