- Ngozi Maduoma
- September 30, 2017

The Rt. Rev. Ezekiel Dahunsi, Bishop of Ido-Ani Anglican Diocese has reminded Christians that the judgment of God is inevitable hence sin must not be hidden, and impunity must not be indulged in. He said Christians should not be chameleonic in nature, they must be trustworthy, reliable and dependable.
The Rt. Rev. Dahunsi gave this reminder at the monthly Power Night vigil of the diocese of Abuja held at the Cathedral Church of the Advent, Life Camp, Abuja.
Speaking on the theme, “I am the Lord I changeth not …,” he went down memory lane to show the many changes the Nigerian nation and the Church have passed through; many transformations, from God save the Queen as an anthem before independence to Nigeria we hail thee at independence and Arise o compatriot, the current Nigerian anthem.
According to him, there are changes everywhere because it is constant. He quoted profusely from the scriptures examples of change and changes. He recalled with nostalgic feelings how in 1973, the driving changed from left to right, how the Nigerian money was changed from pound and shillings to naira and kobo, same with educational policies changing from time to time.
In politics, he brought to the fore how the parliamentary system of government was changed to Presidential System of Government, same with the Church, but God, he said, does not change; He holds the key of promotion and elevation. He said God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
He opined that change must be done in moderation, reiterating the immutability of God; adding that God the miraculous wondrous worker is still alive, He is still at work and it is happening.
The Bishop of Ido-Ani diocese said many people are suffering today, because they don’t know the God they are serving. According to him, there is nothing God cannot do; in His unchangeable nature is found security and prosperity, and He abides with His people who are not rebellious.
He called on all Christians to put their trust in the Lord, because He is still in the process of healing; adding that they should stop running helter skelter, because of principalities and powers for God can do anything, He is the God of justice and obedience can make His power to manifest.
He said God is a God of order, He gives a long rope before consummation, He doesn’t punish until He gives space for change and repentance.
He urged Pastors to always preach the true untainted message of salvation, adding that God hates sin whether secret or open, and sinners must not be envied, because their prayers are not answered.
He decreed that God will trouble the troublers of Nigeria and send confusion into their camps.
He made prophetic pronouncements from the beginning to the end of his sermon and his message was laced with prayers and songs of praise. The big Cathedral Church of the Advent was filled to capacity, never a dull moment.
Meanwhile during the Power Night testimony time, the Primate of All Nigeria (Anglican Communion), the Most Rev. Nicholas D. Okoh testified to the goodness of God for granting everyone who attended the General Synod (the highest ruling body of the Anglican Church) journey mercies to and from Port Harcourt in Rivers State.
He recalled so many ugly incidents that happened before the General Synod at Diobu, Port Harcourt, how a fight occurred between the Hausas and some members of Biafra at Aba prior to the conference and how people died.
He brought to the fore, the roads that are in bad state of disrepair and threats of kidnapping in Rivers State, where nobody was sure of security. He now wondered aloud how thousands of people will congregate in this area without any incident. He considered it a very serious matter, because Bishops serving and retired, lay people, young people were all being expected; it was a very serious challenge and prayer sessions took place about the situation.
The testimony he gave was that the trip to Port Harcourt was hitch free and the five day stay in Port Harcourt was pleasurable and fruitful; nobody was molested, nobody was kidnapped, people returned back to their different destinations safely to the glory of God.
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