- April 30, 2020

The Rt. Rev’d Wisdom Budu Ihunwo, Bishop of Niger Delta North Diocese of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion has described the life of a good shepherd as a risky one; because according to him, a good shepherd watches over the flock, never runs away from danger and is ready to lay down his or her life for the sheep.
Speaking on the topic, “Jesus the good shepherd”, at a Sunday service held at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Diobu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Bishop Ihunwo defined today’s shepherds as those who take care of the flock of Christ.
He pointed out that the term “good shepherd” presupposes that there are bad shepherds, who are after their own satisfaction, without care for the sheep.
He however explained that a good shepherd provides for the sheep, guides the sheep and protects the sheep.
Therefore, Bishop Ihunwo urged pastors, whom he described as shepherds of God’s sheep to ensure that their members are well taken care of, and taught properly in the ways of the Lord.
He observed that some pastors today are out to exploit their members, without care for their souls, and thus, their sheep are left without proper guidance.
The Bishop emphasized that the good shepherd guides the sheep, because the sheep are very vulnerable and in need of guidance, so that they don’t go astray.
He stressed that Jesus Christ is the good shepherd and he would always protect His children from trouble, including coronavirus. The Bishop of Niger Delta North asserted that Jesus Christ can be trusted, because He would never fail anyone who depends on Him or lead such a person astray.
Bishop Ihunwo said, “This great shepherd is with us and He will deliver us from the situation we are in now.”